9. Warmth

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Elina was standing in the dark. She couldn't know where she is because of the darkness. She shivered from the cold. She looked around again and noticed a light spot. Slowly, she walked towards the light, hoping that she would know were she is. As she stepped into the light every thing went black again. "Elina!! Elina please no!" She looked around and saw Ginny on her knees, her hand tide to her back and tears streaming down her face. "Kill her..." a dark voice said. She looked around for the voice but never found it. "Kill her..." the voice repeated. She looked at Ginny, who was looking at her with fear. "If you don't, I will. And I won't kill her as fast" the voice spoke again. Elina felt tears fall down as she pointed her wand at Ginny. "Elina, please! Please, no, please!!" Ginny cried desperately. A green light shot from her wand and hit Ginny. She fell lifeless at the floor. "Don't waste time, Elina" the voice warned.

Elina opened her eyes and shot up. She tried to take her breathe. She noticed, Hermoine, setting at the edge of her bed, looking at her worriedly. Hermoine being Elina's roommate, got used to Elina having nightmares. Hermoine stood up and handed her a cup of water. "Thank you" Elina managed to whisper. "You should tell someone about your nightmares, Elina. Maybe if you tell one of the order's members, they will help" Hermoine suggested. Elina shook her head putting down the cup and wiped her tears. "You should go back to sleep, I will be fine. I'm going to set in the living room for a while, maybe it will help clear my mind" Elina said as she pushed her black-silk covers, and stood up and put on her sleep robs, leaving the room.

Her lips trembled and her body shevired as she entered the dark and cold room, so she decided to light the fireplace. She crossed her legs on the black leather couch, and wrapped her robs tightly around her as she stared blankly through the window. "Couldn't sleep?" A voice asked. Elina looked at the direction of the door where Sirius stood smiling at her. "Yeah" Elina said. Her and Sirius have been getting along well the last three weeks. He was a guy fun being around. "Well, do you want to talk about it?" He sat beside her. She shook her head "I prefer not to". "Alright then, we will just set here and gaze through the window" he smiled as he followed her gaze."Yeah.." she mumbled. They sat in silence watching the stars from the window. "I like it here... this place... it's full of warmth I never felt before in my life" she spoke quietly. He eyed her trying to catch her expression, but she was still gazing at the window with a blank face. "It is. I wish it stays like that" he replied. She nodded slowly.

Sirius saw a tear escape her eyes. "Hey, everything will be alright" he said. She looked at him now sobbing. He didn't understand why she was crying, but he opened his arms for her, anyway. "Come here" she Crowled into his embrace. "I feel things... I never felt before...I don't deserve... I shouldn't feel... I can't... it won't last... I won't.... feel this warmth forever..." she sobbed. He patted her hair. "I don't know what you're going through, Elie, and I understand that you don't want to talk about it, but whatever it was as long as you are strong as long as you choose the right path, you will get through it. Then you will find this warmth lasting" He assured. They stayed like this for a while until Elina fell asleep in his embrace. He hadn't known her for long but he knew he was going to treasure her like a daughter. He carried her to her bed and looked at her with a sad smile before closing the door and leaving the room.

Everyone was setting around the table eating there breakfast. "Can you pass me the butter, Fred?" Harry asked. "I'm George" said George with a bored tone as he handed him the butter. "Sorry" apologised Harry. Hermoine came in and sat next to Ron across from Harry. "Good morning" she smiled. "Morning" Ron mumbled lazily. "Is Elina still asleep?" Harry asked. She nodded. Sirius cleared his throat pulling the trio's attention."About, Elina..."

"Is there something wrong, Sirius?" Asked Harry.

"I woke up yesterday and found her setting in the living room. I sat with her and talked a little, then she suddenly started crying. She is going through something, Harry. I Don't know what it is, but she's definitely going through something. She was crying about how she never felt like this and how it will not last" Sirius explained.

"She had a nightmare before she left to the living room" Hermoine added. Harry, Ron and Sirius turned to her. "She have these nightmares since I met her, though" she explained.

"Do you think it's something about that Uncle of hers that she lives with?" Ron asked concern fulling his tone.

Harry didn't know what to say. He always knew she had nightmares, but never really tried to talk to her about it. "Maybe she should stay here the summer too?" Molly joined in. Apparently everyone in the table was listening at the mention of Elina. "Yeah that would be cool" Fred grinned. "It can also help her" George continued. "Well, we'll have to ask her" they all nodded and carried on with their breakfast.


The sunray has sneaked through the curtains to the room, hitting Elina's face. Elina's eyes opened slowly. Scanning the room, she found out she was on her own. She sat up and wrapped her eyes with her hands, then walked to the bathroom, washed her face and changed into tight black jeans and a black over-sized hoodie. She skipped down stairs to the kitchen and found no one. She checked the time and it was 2:00 pm. Oh I must have slept in. She went to check the living room and found everyone sitting around the room. Fred, George, and Ginny were forming a circle on the floor. Molly, Mr Weasley and Sirius were sitting on the coaches, while Ron and Hermoine sat at the piano chair facing Harry, who was leg crossed on the floor.

"Good afternoon" Elina greeted. They all looked up at her and smiled. "Nice of you to join us, Miss Alodia" George joked as she sat besides Harry. She rolled her eyes at him. " Are you alright? You don't sleep in that much normally" Harry asked when the room was back to being full of chatter. She nodded smiling weakly. Harry examined her, she had dark bags under her eyes, her face was slightly paler and she looked sleepy. "I'm fine. I just stayed up late last night, that's all" she explained.

"Well, sorry to say that but you look awful. You don't look fine" Ron stated earning an elbow to his stomach "Ouch!! I was trying to check on her!"

"Well, sorry to say that but you are awful at it" Hermoine mocked, causing Ron to groan.

"I'm fine, Ron!!" Elina snapped. "If you will excuse me, I will go pack my things since we will go back to hogwarts in two days. I suggest you do the same, Weasley" she stormed out of the room leaving everyone stunned. "I didn't know what I said was that bad" Ron mumbled wide eyes still on the door where the angry girl left. "It wasn't" Harry said his gaze in the same direction as Ron's were.

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