22. The Burrow

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The quartet were gathered into the train, ready to go home. Elina wasn't so distant as Harry thought she would be, she was acting normally throwing sarcastic comments at Ron as usual. Harry, Ron and Elina were on their compartment, Hermione was Merlin knows where, as the other three sat in their seats. Elina's legs were crossed on her seat next to Harry.

"I heard Snape and Draco talk, when I went to get Hermoine from the party yesterday" Harry started. "Draco was saying something about how he is chosen and Snape were telling him that he made an Unbreakable Vow to protect him"

"Unbreakable Vow? You sure that's what Snape said?" Ron asked.

Harry nodded."It's just, you can't break an Unbreakable Vow." Ron stated.

"I think he figured that part by himself, Ron" Elina mumbled rolling her eyes. Before Ron could argue with the brunette witch, Lavender came in front of the door. She wrote, R+L inside a heart, and mouthed 'I miss you'.

"How lovely" Elina commented sarcastically her face scrunching up in disgust. Hermoine came and huffed at the door changing her mind of entering the compartment and leaving again.

"All she wants to do is snog me," Ron complained. "My lips are getting chapped, look," Ron said, moving closer to them. They both moved back, away from Ron's face."We'll take your word for it," Harry uncomfortably mumbled.

"Why don't you just break up with her? You two Don't do anything but snog" Elina faked gauging. Ron didn't know how to answer and cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Anyway, what happens to you? When you break an Unbreakable Vow?" Harry asked, changing the subject Again. "You die" Ron mumbled leaning back into his seat.


The trio -Harry, Ron and Elina, since Hermoine went to spend Christmas with her parents- has arrived at the Burrow excited to spend their three weeks break. "Hello their, beautiful lady" Fred greeted. "Looking hot, Miss Alodia" George winked turning teasingly to a glaring Harry."Wish I could say the same, mischievous devils" she smirked, carrying her trunks upstairs to Ginny's room where she usually stays.

"What's that supposed mean" they shouted after her at the same time.

"Means, you're getting old. Dumbledore looks younger than you" she shouted back jokingly.

"Now, that's my girl" she heard Harry chuckle and Ron brust out laughing at the twins face.

She came back downstairs and greeted Molly and Mr Weasley. They were setting around the table eating and exchanging conversations. Elina nudged Harry to get his attention. "Watch this" she whispered.

"Hey, Molly, Did you know that Ron has girlfriend now?" Elina smirked. Ron glared at her taking a sip of his drink to hide his blush, while the twins grinned.

Molly was surprised as she raised her eyebrows in response. "Ron dear, you didn't tell me that you and Hermoine, finally got together" Ron spat his drink blushing harder. The twins brust laughing at him.

"Oh no, Molly, it's not Hermoine" Harry joined the conversation smirking as well.

"It's not? Then who is it, Ron?" Molly asked.

"Lavender Brown, is her name. She's our roommate" Elina answered instead.

"When did you get to know her?" The mother asked again. "Start of this year" Ron mumbled.

"You see, Molly, What he and lav got, it's chemical. There's no stopping it. Will it last, Ron? Who knows" she mocked, leaning to the table resting her chin on her hand, grinning widely, satisfied. Harry couldn't contain his laughter, as he laugh hard clutching his sides. Ron was blushing furiously, and if looks could kill, Elina would have turned into dust in no time.

"Elina, can I have a word" Ron said between greeted teeths.

"OoOoh, someone's in trouble" Elina said jokingly, then furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "That would be me. I don't why I said that" on the ground were the twins laughing harder if possible. Elina smiled as everyone in the room was laughing and then looked at an annoyed Ron. I got your revenge Hermoine, you should be proud. She thought to herself.


The first two weeks have passed and Christmas was quite enjoyable. Elina never felt this happy and comfortable before, being around the Weasleys and with the boy she is in love with is like having a family. Hermoine was the only one that's missing, but she was busy going to London with her parents. Everyone one in the house was asleep, Elina placed the glass of water she just finished in the sink, before heading upstairs. She reached the middle of the stairs and saw Harry coming down. "Hey, thought I heard you in the kitchen. Came to check" He said as he approached, wrapping his arms around her waist. She put one hand on his arm and the other went to cupe his face. "I'm alright, was just thirsty" he nodded, then smirked.

"How about you join me upstairs" said Harry teasingly. "Very funny, Mr Potter, but I don't think me sleeping in the same room as Ron would be wise after I kept teasing him about Brown, he would get his revenge and hex me in my sleep and even you can't stop him"

"True" Harry shrugged placing a kiss on her cheek.

Suddenly the lights went out and a loud noise came from outside waking everyone. Elina panicked from the darkness, memories of a dark dungeon came into her head as she buried herself closer to Harry's chest. "Harry..." she called fear visible in her voice as everyone came downstairs to check what happened. Harry looked through the window to see the Burrow surrounded by a circle of fire and Bellatrixe jumping around. He pushed Elina away gently and ran downstairs, Elina followed. Harry ran past the adults, through the fire, after Bellatrixe. Elina ran as fast as she can after him, ignoring the calls from behind. She knew Harry wasn't thinking straight, he was moving by his anger. "I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!" She heard Bellatrixe sing as she was running through the bushes.

Elina stood in the middle of a puddle, when the voice stopped singing. She felt movement around her and she was scared, because that's were she was kidnapped. A metal banging sound was heard. Bang! the sound of the metal dungeon door echoed through her head, and she flinched. Harry came running to her, he pressed his back to her and held her free hand, both their wands at ready. The banging noise continued as Bellatrixe laughter came closer. "I know what you're thinking, nothing will happen to you, I'm here this time" he whispered to her. Bellatrixe revealed herself making a banging noise with a flick of her wand, making the brunette witch flinch at every bang. Harry, felt her flinch and threw a spell at Bellatrixe to make her stop, soon after Tonks, Rumes and Mr Weasley, came throwing spells at the other death eaters around them. The death eaters, soon, turned into a black smoke and flew to the Burrow then disappeared.

They all rushed to the Burrow, seeing it burn with flames. Elina looked around to check if there was no one missing, but to her dismay, there was. "Ginny..." she mumbled looking at the house before running inside. "Elina!!" She heard someone call. She ran up the burning stairs to Ginny's room, trying to open the door. She banged at the door calling Ginny's name "Ginny!! Ginny can you hear me?!"

"Elina the door won't open!" Ginny shouted from the other side.

Elina took out her wand "stay back *cough* *cough* Alohamora" it didn't work. "Bombadra!" The door flew open revealing a coughing Ginny. Elina took her arms and dragged her down stairs trying to avoid the crushing woods of the roof. The moment they stepped outside everyone ran to them. Molly and Ron hugged a coughing Ginny, while Harry embraced Elina tightly. "Harry-can't breathe" Harry pulled away mumbling a sorry. They turned around and watched the Burrow burn. Elina felt sad watching the house burn. It was the only place that she was welcomed at as her true self. It wad her home.

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