12. anger issue

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Elina walked into the common room after she was called to Umbridge office. She saw Harry pacing around, Hermoine tapping her feet on the ground Nervously, Ron leaning back into the couch his arms in its back, Fred and George whispering to each other and Neville trying to calm Harry down. She caught Lee Jordan at the door before he left. "Are they super angry?" Elina whispered to him. He smirked and roll his eyes

"They are. If Umbridge's punishment didn't kill you, they will. Harry been ranting about how you should control your temper" he explained.

Elina gulped. "Ron. Ron is sure by my side. I can bet he thinks what I did was cool?" She asked hopefully.

Jordan chuckled and shook his head "He thought it was cool but after he heard what Harry and Hermoine got to say about it he became angry at your action"

Elina facepalmed. "An angry, Ronald is never good" Jordan patted her shoulder sympathetically.

"The twins are cool about it though. You are their role model now" He smirked.

"Yeah they are useless. They will just watch me being killed. But thank you anyway, Jordan. See you"

"Good luck. Hope you make it out alive. Would like to see you around more" He laughed.

Elina slowly approached the angry looking trio praying not to get killed. "Hi" she greeted quietly. Harry turned around and she wished he didn't. He crossed his arms and his face was red. "What were you thinking!!! She could have expelled you!!!" He shouted. Hermoine stopped tapping her feet and stood up next to Harry, Ron doing the same. Elina huffed and popped in to the couch as they stood in front of her. "You are mental!! Bloody hell she could have hexed you!! You know she isn't in her right mind!!" Ron shouted. Elina opened her mouth to respond but was intruppted by Hermoine. "You should learn to control your anger, Elina" she hissed. "Did she do anything before she left you?" Harry asked now his face softened a little and worry was written all over his face.

Elina sighed , shaking her head. "Mcgonagall came and told her she will deal with me and that the minister wanted her in Dumbledore's office"

"So Mcgonagall took you to her office? Did she give you detention? Take away any house points? Did she expel you?!! Why are you so calm?!!!" Ron shouted angrily.

"No she didn't do any of those" she answered.

"Then what?"Harry asked.

"She gave me a biscuit" Elina shrugged.

"She gave you WHAT?!" They all shouted in unison including a grinning Fred and George.

"A biscuit. Never heard of it?" She asked sarcastically trying to fight back a smile.

"I like that woman" George laughed.

"She's savage!!" Fred exclaimed happily.

Ron face changed into a grin, while Hermoine couldn't help but laugh, Harry sighed shaking his head a small smile forming into his mouth. Elina smiled as well leaning back to the couch. "Anyway, Harry you were in Dumbledore's office. What did I miss?" She asked Harry who sat next to her. Hermoine and Ron sat leg crossed on the floor next to Neville. "Dumbledore left" Fred answered instead. "Umbridge is the headmistress now" Goerge added. Elina eyes widened and she sat straight looking at Harry hoping this was a joke, but to her dismay he nodded his head in confirmation. Elina groaned loudly "Great. Just what we needed. And now the OWLS is one month away. Hogwarts is going to be like hell from now on" Fred and George smirked looking at each other. "Can't promise it won't be" Goerge said. "But we can promise that you will enjoy your last exam " Fred continued. The quartet and Neville looked at them confused. "You will find out soon" they sang making everyone roll his eyes.

Neville stood up dusting his trousers. "Well, I have to go. Hanna and I are going to do our potion homework together" he explained. Ron raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You and Abbott then?" Neville face turned red and shook his head. "J-Just friends. We are just f-friends" Ron nodded not buying it.


"Ron, I swear I'm gonna murder you" Elina hissed raising her wand at him. "Woah woah lower your wand. We talked about your anger issue. Plus, I warned I'm a slow learner" he stated. They were in one of the tables at the library, Elina was trying to help Ron study, but clearly he was irritating her. "You said slow learner not stupid!!" She snapped. "But potions is hard!!" He replied.

"No you are just hopeless. And I wonder why Hermoine is going crazy, she had to deal with your stupidity and Harry's weirdness for five whole years!! I'm going to thank her a lot. Someone needs to appreciate that girl" Elina ranted.

"We do appreciate her!! We don't stand a chance without her. Don't tell her I said that" Ron mumbled.

"Oh poor Hermoine. I'm going to find her and tell her how this school is lucky to have her here or else this school would have been destroyed without her keeping you two together" Elina stood up leaving Ron with a weird look in his face. "I'm trying not to talk that as an insult" he said to himself.

At the way to the lake Elina bumped into Hermoine. "Ah, Hermoine!!" Elina hugged her tightly. Hermoine was taking aback by the sudden hug but hugged back anyway chuckling. "Hey, everything alright?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. Elina pulled away holding her shoulders shaking it slightly. "I don't know what the world would do without you!! I don't even know how you are still the most sane person in this school!!" Elina exclaimed making Hermoine laughed. "Let me guess, you were tutoring Ronald" Elina nodded with a sad pout in her face. Hermoine laughed harder shaking her head. "You will get used to eat, Don't worry" she said between laughters. Elina rolled her eyes at her. "Harry is waiting for you at the lake" Hermoine said grinning. Elina smiled wildly at the mention of him and nodded, running towards the lake clutching her books and robe to her chest. "Don't stay long past curfew!!"Hermoine shouted from behind.

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