10. how can you trust me?

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Elina was pacing around the room, packing her stuff. She didn't know why she was so angry about everyone asking if she is alright. She just don't want to talk about it, why does no one understand that?. When she stormed into the room she left the door wide open, where Harry stood now, knocking on it. "Someone's in a bad mood today" He leaned to the door frame. "Harry, please. I don't want to talk right now, and you are the last person I want to lose my temper on" she fumed not bothering to look at him. "Look, Elina, I will leave you alone, but just know that you can trust me. I trust you, so please trust me" He spoke.

"That's the problem. That is exactly the problem. How can you trust me? What if I'm not a good person? What if I'm a demon in an angle act? What if I Lead you to your death one day?!" She bellowed.

"Elina, what are you talking about?" He slowly approached her.

"You barley know me. You met me just 4 months ago... how can you put your trust on me?"

"I just do"

"You shouldn't!!" She shouted.

"Why?" He asked now standing an inch away from her.

Elina sighed in frustration "Just forgot it. If you could just leave for now. I will come when I calm down"

"Alright then..."He nodded and give her a sad smile, leaving the room and going down stairs. Hermoine and Ron were waiting at the bottom of the stairs. They looked up, as they saw Harry coming down. "Should I go and apologise?" Ron asked frowning, his eyes full of gilet. "No. She's not upset about what you said. It's something else" Harry shook his head. "What is it about then?" Hermoine furrowed her eyebrows. "I wish I knew, 'mione" they sighed. "Come on, Mom said that lunch is ready" Ron mumbled. They went to the kitchen and sat around the table. The table was full of all their favourite dishes. Everyone chatted together exchanging conversation, except for Harry, who was deep in thought. Elina's words played all over again in his head. How can you trust me? What if I'm not a good person? What if a demon in an angle act? Why did she say that? Of course he trusted her. She is special to him. She makes him feel something special. If there is anyone who he trust besides Ron and Hermoine, it would be Elina.

The day passed without a sight of Elina. She didn't come out of her room. Molly tried to get her to get out and eat something, which Elina refused to. Fred and George tried to talk to her from behind the door, throwing jokes around, but still nothing, so they all decided to give her space. And when Hermoine and Ginny came to the room to sleep at midnight, saying everyone went to sleep, she finally left the room wearing her black Pyjamas. She found her self in an empty room without any furniture, with drawings of people on the wall. She traced the names softly with her fingers. "It's Sirius's family tree. The Black's" a voice made her jump. She let out a reliefed sigh, when she saw Harry behind her. "Thought everyone was asleep" she mumbled. He put his hand on her upper arm and wrapped gently. This action made butterflies in Elina's stomach.

"I need you to know that I trust you because you are close enough. Because even if we knew each other only for a few months, I feel like I have known you forever. I don't care if you hurt me one day..." He now put his hand on her cheek Caressing it gently. "...because I know you won't do it willingly"

Elina felt her face turning hot. She felt her eyes watering. "How can you be so sure?..." she whispered. Harry leaned a bit closer. "Because I know you are an angle from the way you make me feel...my angle..." there noses where touching now. He stared at her cherry lips, then glanced at her hazel eyes. She was doing the same. Without another word he contacted their lips together. He tasted the chocolate taste on her lips again and kissed more passionately. Their lips moved together in harmony. Elina felt like everything was alright. She felt as she owned the whole world. She felt safe in his touch.

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