39. The memory

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As Elina and Neville, stopped in front of Dumbledore's pensive, in the middle of his office, Elina took out the vail that contains the memory. She opened it and looked at the pensive then at Neville hesitantly. Neville gave her an encouraging smile. "Neville, watch for anyone to come until I finish" Elina instructed and he nodded.

Elina emptied the vail into the pensive, before taking a deep breathe, and drowning her head in. Everything was dark at first, not a single thing could be seen. Then the place started to come together. She stood in front of a weird looking house: the Burrow, except it was with less floors. Elina saw a who woman was a blonde, her eyes were hazel like Elina's and She was holding something in her hand wrapped around a blanket, as she walked to the door. The woman was about to knock on the door when a black smoke appeared. And Voldemort stood in front of the door blocking it. The woman slowly backed away in panic.

"Give me my daughter, Maddalena!" Voldemort hissed.

"No!" Maddalena shook her head pulling the baby-who Elina figured was younger herself- closer to her chest.

"How dare you go against me!!" He shouted.

"I don't want my daughter to grow up with you!! You are a monster!!" Maddalena shouted tears now streaming down her face.

"How dare you.." Voldemort hissed.

"You are not the Tom I knew anymore. Not the Tom that I wanted to raise this child with." Elina's heart sank. This was her mother. Elina observed the woman scanning her and looking through every detail.

"I thought you knew what you signed up for. I told you what would Happen, Maddalena. How dare you try and give her to a blood-traitor's family!!"

"I don't want this, Tom!! I can't live with a monster like you!!"

"Then, I will not let you break the vow you made to me" He said raising his wand at Maddalena.

"No..." Elina whispered in fear.

"Until death do us apart, Maddalena. Avada kadavra" he shouted. The woman fell lifeless to the ground the baby falling from her hand crying loudly as if she knew what is happening around her. "You shouldn't have gone against me, my love. But you are Maddalena Orcali, the hire of Gryffindor, of course you would see your self equal to me..." Voldemort said blankly.

Everything went black again and Elina found herself back at Dumbledore's office. Elina looked frozen in shock. She felt tears wetting her cheeks. Her father killed her mother just because she was trying to protect her, from him. She lived all these years not knowing what happened to her mother because he didn't want her to know. He wanted her to his side for some reason.

Neville looked at her worriedly. "Elina, are you alright? What did you saw?"

"I'm fine" Elina whipped her tears away avoiding the other question.

"The battle started. The death eaters in the castle." Neville stated.

Elina looked up at him and nodded, before They both rushed out of the office. As Elina and Neville came down the stairs , spells were flying around everywhere. Elina noticed Ron and Hermoine running up the stairs. "I will go help Professor Sprout. Good luck ,Elina. Be careful" Neville said as he raced out side headed to the green house. He turned around when he reached the door and smiled up at her. "Try not to die! Would like to see again soon!" He called causing her to gave him a small smile, and turn to follow Ron and Hermoine.

"Stupify!" She fired as a Death eater came her way. The Death eater fell back to the ground. Elina went on her way, trying to catch up with the two. "Hermoine! Ron!" She called, firing a spell, saving a boy's life. The couple turned around and there face lit up, the rushed down, grabbed Elina's hand and raced back up.

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