35. The cottage

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Harry played with Elina's hair as she was laying unconscious in the small bed. Fleur had took care of the wound, and bandaged it, saying that they can use a spell when she gain her consciousness. He watched her chest go up and down as she breathed softly. Harry thought that She was beautiful, even though when not smiling or laughing, just laying there peacefully.

Her eyes slowly flattered open, scanning her surrounding. Her eyes landed on Harry smiling softly at her.  "Why do I always have to end up in bed with a stupid injury" Elina groaned, making Harry chuckle.

"How are you feeling?" He asked placing a kiss on the palm of her hand making her smile lovingly at him. "It hurts a little, but I'm sure someone knows a spell for it" she replied. "How is Hermoine?"

" tired, but don't worry no one looks worse than you if that's what you're asking" he joked.

"Very funny. I hate being in bed" she huffed.

"Alright, I will go bring Fleur then. She said she will do the spell when you wake up" Harry rose to his feet and placed a kiss on her forehead, before he left the room.


A week have based and The Quartet had gained there strength back. Elina was feeling a lot better after Fleur did a healing spell on her. Hermoine was doing just as good, but with permanent scar on her hand. Ron never left Hermoine's side, always with her, wrapping his arms around her shoulder.

Harry had decided that he needed to talk to Griphook. The Quartet went into the room where Griphook was.

"How are you?" The raven haired wizard asked .

"Alive." Griphook replied bitterly.

"You probably don't remember —" Griphook cut off Harry off.

"—that I showed you to your vault the first time you visited Gringotts? Even amongst goblins, you are famous, Harry Potter."

The goblen glanced at the Sword of Gryffindor in the corner. "How did you come by this sword?"

"It's complicated." answered Harry. "Why did Bellatrix Lestrange think it should be in her
vault at Gringotts?"

"It's complicated." Griphook mocked staring at him.

"The sword presented itself to us in a moment of need." said Harry.

"There is a sword in Madam Lestrange's vault identical to this one, but it is a fake."

"And she never suspected?" Elina frowned.

"Only a goblin would recognize that this is the true Sword Gryffindor."

"Who put it there?" Hermoine joined the integration.

"A man who I believe has become, a headmaster of Hogwarts"

"Snape? Why would Snape do that?" Ron asked and the others shrugged.

"I need to get inside Gringotts, into Bellatrixe's  vaults."

"It is impossible." Griphook glared at him.

"Alone, yes. With you, no." Harry said, then added: "I have gold. Lots of it." said Harry, Amelia lifts a questioning brow.

"I have no interest in gold." Griphook shakes his head.

"Then, what are you interested on?" Elina raised a brow.

"That is my price." The Goblin said as he pointed at the sword.

"All right." Elina nodded. The trio looked at her in shock.

The quartet walked out of the room and Elina spoke up. "Harry,  you are thinking there's a Horcrux in Bellatrix's vault?" The brunette whispered. Harry nodded. "She was terrified when she thought we went in there .She kept asking you what else we'd taken. I'd bet anything there's a Horcrux there. If we find it, we can kill it. And if we kill it, we're one step closer to killing him."

"And if we find one?How're we supposed to destroy it if we've given Griphook the sword? Elina just gave it away" Ron asked.

"I'm working on that part, red head" Elina answered. Harry smiled at her and patted her shoulder. "And I trust you with that."

Fleur came out of the other room, she noticed the quartet standing at the door and she sighed. "He's too weak." said Fleur.

Harry walked passed her the other followed and entered the room. Ollivander sat on a chair near the window wrapped in a blanket.

"Mr. Ollivander, I need to ask you a few questions." Harry said.

"Anything, m'boy, anything."

"Can you identify these wands , sir?" Harry said handing him one of two wands.

Ollivander takes one in hand. "Walnut and dragon heartstring. Twelve and three quarter inches. Unyielding. This belongs to Bellatrix Lestrange."

"And this?" Harry handed him the other wand.

"Hawthorn. Unicorn hair. Ten inches. Reasonably pliant. This was the wand of Draco Malfoy."

"Was? Isn't it still?" Elina furrowed her eyebrows.

"Perhaps not, dear. if he won it from him." Ollivander answered the witch smiling at her. "I sense its allegiance has changed."

"You talk about wands like they've got feelings." Elina spoke again approaching Harry and the man "like they Can think."

"The wand chooses the wizard, Miss Alodia. That much has always been clear to those of us who have studied wandlore."

Elina nodded understandingly. "What do you know about the Deathly Hallows, sir?" Harry asked again.

Ollivander looked at him surprised. "There are rumored to be three: The Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone and the Invisibility Cloak. It is said that to possess them all is to make oneself the Master of Death. But few truly believe such objects exist—"

"But you, sir? Do you believe they exist?" Elina pushed.

"I see no reason to put stock in an old wives tale —".

"You're lying." Elina and Harry said at the same time, not only scaring Ollivander, but also Ron and Hermoine. "You know one exists and you told him about it." Harry said.

"You told him about the Elder Wand and where to go looking for it." Elina continued.

"He tortured me! Besides, I conveyed only rumors. There's no guarantee he will find it—"

"He has found it, sir." Harry intruppted. "That's all, sir. We'll leave you to get some rest now."

Harry stood up to leave,  when the man spoke "He's after you two, Mr. Potter and Miss Alodia." He pused "If it's true, what you say, that he has the Elder Wand, I'm afraid you two don't stand a chance."

"Then I guess we'll just have to kill him before he finds us." Elina challenged existing the room.

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