25. Nothing will be the same

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"Good morning" Elina mumbled as she walked down to the common room. They all looked up and greeted her asking about how she was. "I'm fine, really. Don't know what gotten into me" she answered them and went to stand with the trio. Harry pulled her close to him and kissed the top of her head. "You feeling better?"

"Yeah, lods" she nodded.

"Come on, Dumbledore is waiting for me" Harry said as they exited the Gryffindor common room.

"You, again, gave us a scare" Hermoine said.

"Sorry" Elina mumbled.

Harry opened the Murarders map as he walked "Guys, is the Room of Requirement unplottable?" Harry asked.

"If one wants it to be." Answered Hermione raising a brow. "Why?"

"It would explain why I thought Malfoy was leaving the castle when he disappeared off the map." Harry explained. "He was going to the Room of Requirement."

"that explains the Vanishing Cabinet as well!" Harry added.

"No. Dad said The one at Borgin & Burke is still there." Ron stated.

"But I saw it, when I went with Elina" said Harry. Then the Gryffindor twins passed the quartet, leaving a thought pop up in Harry's head.

"What if there are two Vanishing cabinets? Like twins" Harry frowns.

"What if there are?" Elina looked at him as they arrived at the astronomy tower, were Harry was supposed to meet Dumbledore.

"I don't know..." Harry mumbled as he stopped to look at his friends. Elina locked eyes with him, she had a bad feeling about this. She crushed him in a hug and kissed his cheek. "Good luck, love"

Harry smiled at her and gave her a pick on the lips. "I don't need luck, I'm with Dumbledore" he shrugged and went up the tower. The trio watched until he was out of sight. "Do you.."

"Have bad feeling about this?" Hermoine continued for Elina.

"Totally" Ron answered.

"Come on, let's go back to the common room" Hermoine said as she dragged Ron and started walking away. They stopped and looked back to Elina who was still looking at the tower with a puzzled look on her face. "Hey, Elina! You coming?" Ron called. Elina looked back and nodded and started walking to them.


The Gryffindor's common room was filled with people. The sky was dark, full of grey clouds. There was something bad in the air, but Elina couldn't put her finger on it. It's been hours since Harry went with Dumbledore, and them not being back until now, made Elina worried. There was an uncomfortable silence around the room, Everyone can feel something is wrong. A bang outside made everyone jump. Elina, Ron and Hermoine, shared a look. As the door of the room opened, hell broke loose.

Death eaters.

Spells were flying around, hitting some students. Elina was blocking Spells, fighting her way to the astronomy tower to find Harry. She was firing a spell at some death eater when she heard a loud scream. She finished him off, and followed the sound. She ran the corridor and stopped at the sight. A hufflepuff first year girl, layed on the floor crying in pain. Elina ran to the girl and knelt down beside her examining her. "Shhh, It's alright. Everything will be alright. I will take you to Madam Pomfrey, alright?" The girl nodded slowly.

Elina carried the girl carefully, and started to head to the hospital wing. "What's your name?" Elina asked trying to distract her. "Natalie" the girl asked shaking. "That's a beautiful name. Mine is Elina" she smiled sadly at her. They arrived at the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey took the girl. Elina looked through the window and her heart dropped. The dark mark. Someone was murdered. "Harry..." Elina muttered, then ran as fast as she can to the astronomy tower and saw a group of people around the tower. She ran and pushed through the crowd. "Harry!!" But stopped at the sight. Dumbledore was laying on the floor lifeless, not moving, his eyes wide open, Harry crying beside him. She slowly approached him and sat beside him, hugging him tightly, while he cried in her chest.


The four of them stood in the astronomy tower, Elina and Harry leaning into the railing, Hermoine and Ron sitting next to each other behind them. The sun was rising and a breeze of wind was playing with, Elina's hair. Elina was examining the locket in her hand, Hermoine watching her. "Do you think he would've done it. Draco?" Hermoine asked.

"No. He was lowering his wand. In the end, it was Snape." Harry took a deep breathe"It was always Snape. And I did nothing..."

Elina patted his arm comfortingly "Strange. Thinking this is a piece of Voldemort's soul..."

"Yeah, strange. Only... it's not. It's a fake." Grumbled Harry.

Elina raised an eyebrow and looked at the locket confused. "Go on. Open it." Harry said.

Elina opened the locket to find a folded parchment inside. She unfolded it and started to read the words written inside."'To the Dark Lord. I know I will be dead long before you read this, but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. R.A.B.""

Hermione looked at Elina confused, "R.A.B?"

"I don't know." Harry shrugged. "But whoever they are, they have the real Horcrux." He sighed "Which means, it was a waste. All of it."

Elina cupped his face and give him a small kiss to comfort him. "I'm not coming back." said Harry.

"I guessed" Elina sighed.

"I have to finish what Dumbledore started. I'm not sure where that will lead me, but I'll let both of you guys know where I am " said Harry.

"I've always admired your courage, and I truly love you, Harry, but sometimes... you are dumb, and I want to hex you or hit you in the head." Elina crossed her arms.

Hermoine chuckled and Ron nodded in agreement. "You don't honestly think you can find all those Horcruxes by yourself, do you, mate?" Ron asked.

"I want to end him, just as much as you do." Elina shrugged. "You know he is not only after you" Harry raised his eyebrows in amusement, and sighed in defeat, knowing that there was no point in arguing.

Harry nodded and turned his head away looking back at the sky. "I never realised how beautiful this place was."

"Ahmm" Elina hummed and followed his gaze to the sky. She didn't know what the days ahead will bring them. She didn't know if what waited her in the end was a happy ending or a tragic one. But all she knew that nothing will ever be the same again. Nothing.

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