6. this feeling

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A month have passed and Umbridge was slowly taking over the school. They were having there last meeting before Christmas break. Since Neville had found the room of requirement, they have been holding their 'DA meetings there' Elina chuckled at the memory of when they decided to use the letters D and A for short of Dumbledore army.

"Have you guys found a place for the D-U-M-B-L-E-D-O-R-E army?"Ron asked.

"You know, Ron. You are clever. I don't think professor Umbridge knows how to spell" Elina hissed sarcastically. Harry and Hermoine laughed. "She's right mate, why don't you go tell her. It's much easier" Harry joked

"Sorry" Ron apologised.

"Let's refer to it as DA for short" Hermoine suggested. They all nodded in agreement.

"That's it everyone. You have done a pretty great job. We will learn more advanced spells after the break. Enjoy your holidays" After Harry finished, everyone was slowly emptying the room. After a while the quartet were the last in the room. "You guys go we will follow" Harry said to Hermoine and Ron. They exchanged knowing smiles and nodded, leaving Elina and Harry alone.

"What's up?"Elina asked curiously. Harry give her a smile and shrugged sitting down to the floor, crossing his legs, patting the space in front of him. "We haven't had time alone for a while, figured it could be nice" Elina raised her eyebrows following his actions. "Well, good idea" she smiled back. They locked eyes. He was lost in the forest inside her eyes again. The forest that made him feel lost but at the same time feel safe. Elina was drowning in his eyes too. She felt a she was going to drown and never come back, she didn't want to come back. She wanted to stay here all day and stare at this ocean of green.

When Harry broke the eye contact he found
his lips an inch away from her. He looked back at her eyes, and then again at her lips. He then suddenly decided to close the distance between them, when his lips touched hers. Her lips was soft and tasted like chocolate. It didn't take much until Elina kissed back, liking the feeling of his soft lips on hers. Their lips moved in sync for a while, Enjoying the soft feeling and butterflies in their stomach. Harry slowly pulled away looking at her eyes again. "You have beautiful eyes, Elina" he whispered. Elina smiled blushing. She didn't know what she was feeling. This feeling. She doesn't understand it. But she definitely liked it. "You have beautiful eyes, too, Harry" he smiled. After a half hour of staring, Harry stood up offering his hand to help her up. She gladly took it, standing up and grabing her wand from the floor. "Come on, I'm sure Hermoine and Ron are looking for us" Harry said. "Oh I'm sure Hermoine is looking for us, as for Ron I'm sure he will start worrying after he finishes his meal" Elina smirked, making Harry laugh.


The quartet was sitting on the great hall having lunch. Hermoine and Elina were studying while eating, asking each other questions every now and then. "Hermoine, I can't remember how many minced daisy roots we should add to the Nosebleed Antidote" Elina asked searching through the pages. "11 TSP" Hermoine answered not even bothering to look up from the book in her hand. "Can't you two just enjoy lunch" Ron rolled, stuffing a rosted chicken in his mouth. "And can't you two just take your OWLS seriously and start studying" said Hermoine finally looking up at Harry and Ron. "I will start after the Christmas break" Harry shrugged. "I don't hwve much tw sdudy. I know holf of thwse stuff withwut sdudying" Ron said with full mouth. Elina looked up as well trying to contain her laughter. Harry buried his face in his hands trying to do the same as Elina. "Well then, you won't mind me quizzing you" Hermoine raised her eyebrows. Ron swallowed his food then nodded "Go ahead".

"OK so I have the charm book so I will quiz you with charm" said Hermoine.


"A spell to clean objects"

".....I forgot?" Ron scratched his back nervously.

Hermoine sighed "It's Scourgify"

"Oh right"

" A spell that summons objects"

"Ask me something easier!!"

"What?!! That's an easy one!! You should know it by now, you are in fifth year!!" Hermoine snapped. Harry and Elina couldn't contain it any longer, they brust out laughing so hard that tears begin forming in the corner of there eyes. Ron glared at them clearly annoyed. "Don't laugh you two!! Fine, I will start after Christmas break as well" Ron huffed. "Good-Good idea" Harry managed between laughters.


A Dark corridor is all she saw. She slowly Slithered. She was a snake. She entered a dark room to see a figure walking around. She slithered to his way and jumped at him. The red-haired man fell to the floor terfid. She attacked him violently until his face was all bruised and he fell unconscious.

Elina jumped awake breathing heavily. What the hell was that? She thought, trying to catch her breathe. The red hair was scarily familiar.
A sound from outside her drom made her set up. Harry wouldn't be awake again, would he? With curiosity, Elina headed to check the source of the sound. As soon as she opened the door she was face to face with a pale, sweating, Harry, who was being supported by Ron and Professor Mcgonagall. "Harry? Are you alright?" Elina asked concerned. Harry didn't answer. "Miss Alodia, glad you are awake. Can you help, Mr Potter, here? I need to light the way and open the door" Professor Mcgonagall asked. "Of course" Elina said taking Harry's arm around her shoulders.

They walked all the way to Professor Dumbledore's office. As they reached the door Professor Mcgonagall said the password and waited until the stairs appeared. "Are you alright, Elina? You look like you have been crying" Ron asked worriedly from the other side of were Harry was. Elina touched her face with her free hand feeling her face wet. She didn't even realise she was crying. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a nightmare" she mumbled. "You too?" Ron asked. Elina looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "You mean Harry is this pale because of a nightmare?" Professor Mcgonagall came and gestured for them to follow her up stairs. "It's a vision. It wasn't a nightmare. A vision" Harry managed to whisper.

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