29. R.A.B

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As they opened the door to 12 Grimmauld place, and stepped in, Some thing shifts in the shadows at the end of the hall, It's a ghost in the shape of Dumbledore came running their way, Hermoine let out a scream of horror, While Elina hide behind Harry. The ghost turned back from where it came.

"What was that about?" Ron questioned.

"Mad-eye's doing, I'd guess." answered Hermione. "In case Snape decided to come snooping." Hermione slowly raised her wand, "Homenum revelio." She muttered.

"I guess we're alone." She said as they stepped inside. Elina observed the place carefully, dust were all around and a lot of things was on the floor. "I missed this place" she said.

"Come on let's rest, we can talk tomorrow" Harry said as he was about to go upstairs.

"Harry I think we should all sleep in the same room, it's safer. Let's go to the living room" Hermoine suggested.

Elina scaned the room and couldn't help but smile as a memorie flashed in her head.

"I like it here... this place... it's full of warmth I never felt before in my life" she spoke quietly. He eyed her trying to catch her expression, but she was still gazing at the window with a blank face. "It is. I wish it stays like that" he replied. She nodded slowly.

Sirius saw a tear escape her eyes. "Hey, everything will be alright" he said. She looked at him now sobbing. He didn't understand why she was crying, but he opened his arms for her, anyway. "Come here" she Crowled into his embrace.

They all brought blankets ans pillows from, upstairs, Ron was going to sleep on the floor, next to the couch Hermoine was taking, while Elina and Harry took the other couch .As Ron went to turn off the light, Elina shot up to look at him. "Ron, please, don't. Leave it" she pleaded. Ron looked at her for a second, sighed and nodded, going back to his spot on the floor.

Elina cuddled with Harry, her head on his chest and his chin on her head, hugging her by the waist. He played with her hair and hummed to her to sleep. Ron and Hermoine watching them in awe while laying thier head on the pillows.


Elina wake up missing the warmth she drifted to sleep with, she sat up and didn't see Harry around. She looked at Hermoine whose hand were dangling of the couch holding Ron's. She smiled at the sight, but remembered the missing Harry. She shook Ron and Hermoine calling their names. "Ron! Hermoine! Harry's missing"

Their eyes flattered open and shot up. "What?" Ron asked half asleep.

"Harry is missing, come on" she repeated.

Hermoine headed to search for the kitchen, Ron and Elina went upstairs, he turned to the right and she turned to the lift. She stopped in front of Sirius's room guessing that she will find her boyfriend here, and she was right. "Oh thank Merlin, you are here" she sighed in relief. Harry looked up and forced a smile and when he opened his mouth to say something the heard Ron and Hermoine call for them.

The trio reached a cramped bedroom, scratches all over the wall. Ron standing at the door.

"Lovely." comment Elina.

Ron pulls the door shut. And at the door was craved a name: Regulus Arcturus Black

"Regulus Arcturus Black...?" Elina furrowed her eyebrows, Ron nodded.

"R... A... B." said Ron, Elina's face lit up with realisation.

"R.A.B. was Sirius' brother?" Hermoine asked. And Harry nodded.

"So, did he actually destroy the real Horcrux?" Elina asked. They heard a crack noise and turned around to see a house-elf spying on them at the corner

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