2. Back to hogwarts

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Elina stood in platform 9¾ watching kids hugging their family goodbye. She couldn't help but feel sad, for she was never shown this treatment. She wasn't showing any emotion on her face, though. She usually enjoys coming back to hogwarts and being away from the cold, full of death eaters Manor, but she dreaded the idea of having to approach Harry Potter.

Now that she is going to be on the same train as the so-called 'golden trio', she needs to start her mission. Elina entered the train searching for the compartment the trio was in. She has to show herself to them so the mission can start, and she thought that starting from the train was a good idea. When she found them sitting alone, she opened the door.

They looked up. " Hi, umm.. I was wondering if I could set here. All the other compartments are full. " That was definitely a lie. There were still some empty compartments left.

Hermoine smiled at her, nodding. "Of course. Come in. " The brunnete put on her best smile and entered ,setting next to the raven haired boy. "I'm Hermoine, Hermoine Granger. This is Ron Weasley and Harry Potter, " Hermoine introduced.

"Oh yeah, I know who you guys are, I'm not living under a rock." When Elina said that, she intended to be sweet, but she couldn't hide her annoyance. "Sorry, I'm Elina  Alodia," she extended her hand to Hermoine, which she gladly shook it, giving her a sweet smile.

" Nice to meet you, Elina." Harry smiled at her. She nodded.

"So which house are you in?" Ron - who was sitting next to Hermoine- asked. " I'm a gryffindor as well," she answered, pointing to the scarf that was tied to the small bag beside her.

"How come we never noticed you before?" Harry thought out loud. "Well, I usually prefer to be unseen. I'm not really a social type. I even have my own drom, so..." she shrugged. "Oh ok," Hermoine smiled.

The train ride was long and dreadful for Elina. She was trying to be friendly to the tri,  and that was hard, for she despised them. But she have to talk to them, set with them and be around them every possible chance, so she can be friends with them quickly and gain their trust. And being around them included setting with them at the great hall during the feast. She watched Ron in disgust, shoving food to his mouth like he hadn't eaten in months. "Will you eat slower? It's like you haven't seen food before, " Hermoine voiced Elina's thoughts.

After the feast, the students headed to their houses, chatting loudly. Elina was walking behind the golden trio until she was called by Professor Mcgonagall. "Miss Alodia, I got a letter from your uncle wishing to put you back with the rest of your classmates' dormitorie," the professor informed. Elina nodded her head and walked to the girls' dormitorie. Her father must have thought that being in the same drom as Hermoine will make her mission easier. Of course, Professor Mcgonagall thought that the letter was frome her uncle. She doesn't have an uncle. The closest thing to family she has is Voldemort and maybe the Death eaters. But none of the professors have to know that.

After knocking on the door of the room and entering. She was met with Hermoine, Lavender Brown, and Parvati Patil, each setting on their own bed. With putting on her sweetest smile she can ever put without showing any irritation, she put her trunk beside the empty bed and introduced herself. " Hi, I'm Elina Alodia. I had my own drom but decided that maybe we could get to know each other. " The girls smiled back.

Hermoine stood up, helping Elina with her trunk. "I'm glad you decided to socialise this year, Elina. I'm sure we will be good friends, " Hermoine said. I hope that won't take long, because I can't stand it much. Elina thought. "I'm sure we will," she said, trying to sound excited.

The next day wasn't much different from any first day at hogwarts. Elina was headed towards her defence against the dark arts class. Even though Elina had found that class really interesting in the past years, she wasn't looking forward to meeting the new teacher. The way Professor umbridge intruppted Dambldore. And the way she is dressed all in pink. Never trust someone who wears this much pink.

Elina took a seat, waiting for the professor to enter. Harry sat next to Elina, seeing that everywhere else was taken. "Hi," Harry greeted nervously. "Hey," Elina greeted back without showing any emotion. The room was filled with chatting, and a paper bird was flying around.

The bird turned into flame, and someone clearing their throat made the students go silent and turn around to face the pink dressed Professor. "Good morning, children," the professor said with a smile on her face. Elina knew that this smile was anything but sweet.

"Ordinary wizrding level examinations. O.W.L. and commonly known as OWLS, " she said, waving her wand at the board. "Study hard, and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so and the consequences May be... severe. " she waved her wand again, and books were being distributed to the class.

Hermoine looked through the book, flipping the pages and then raising her hand. "Yes, dear?"

"There's nothing in here about using defensive spells,"

"Using spells?" the professor giggled." I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom."

"We are not gonna use magic?" Ron asked, confused.

"You will be learning about defensive spells in a secure,risk-free way,"

"What use of that? If we are gonna be attacked, it won't be risk-free, " Harry joined.

"Students will raise their hand when they speak in my class!!"

"But how are we gonna be prepared for what is out there?" Harry said.

"There is nothing out there, dear. Who do you imagine will attack children like yourself?"

"Umm... I don't know. Lord  Voldemort, maybe?" Elina muttered. She decided that if she defended the boy, she could win him quicker.

The room was silent. Only whispers can be heared.Everyone looked at her. Shocked at the bravery of speaking his name. Harry gives her a smile of appreciation.

"Now let me make this quite plain. You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This. Is. A. Lie, " said Umbridge.

"It's not a lie. I saw him. I fought him -"

"Detention, Mr Potter !!"

"So according to you, the Hufflepuff boy dropped dead of his own accord last year?!" Elina shouted, getting irritated by the professor. She couldn't remember his name.

"Detention to you too, Miss Alodia!!" The Professor shouted back. "Now Cedric Deggory's death was a tragic accident."

"It was murder!! Voldemort killed him!!" Harry corrected.

"Enough!!" The Professor shreaked. "See me later, Mr Potter, Miss Alodia. My office, " she giggled. Elina gave her a disgusted look before looking back at her book. That is what happens when you defend an idiot like Potter, Elina. She thought to herself.

A/n: Hi guys, I know that the process of the story is going slow, but just be patient. It's worth it. I promise♡

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