18. My angel

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Harry stood on the door frame taking a look at Elina. Molly had attended her wounds and Elina was now awake. Harry took the chair of the desk and pulled beside the bed to set next to Elina facing her. He leaned closer to her and held her hand making her flinch. He pulled his hand away as he noticed but she reached for it again "How you feeling, angle?"

Elina smiled weakly at him "angle?" She asked-whispered.

"Yeah, you are my angle" He whispered back moving a few hair strands away from her face.

"You are not mad at me?" Her voice was raspy feeling her throat dry.

"No. No I'm not mad at you at all" he smiled. Elina nodded smiling back slightly. Harry stood up and went to the light switch. "You should get some re-"

"Harry don't. Don't turn off the light, please" her voice cracked. Harry remembered how they found her in a completely dark dungeon "OK, OK I won't" he said removing his hand from the light switch. "I will leave the door open then, call me if you needed anything. I will change and then come back" Elina nodded.

Harry entered the living room and sat on the couch, everyone one was looking at him expectedly. Tonks handed him a cup of water and he thanked her. "So, How is she? Did she talk to you?" Ron asked tapping his leg to the floor nervously. Harry looked up at everyone's worried faces and shook his head. "She's not alright. She's weak. She begged me to not turn off the light. Her voice is raspy and week. She can barely move" Harry mumbled. Fred patted his back and George ruffled his hair.

"She will be alright, Harry" Goerge said.

"Yeah she just needs time to recover" Fred added giving him a sympathetic look.

"I will go see her" Hermoine said standing up from her chair. "I'm coming too" Ron replied following her upstairs. Hermoine stopped in her track as she stood in front of the opened door of the room, looking sadly at her crying friend, Ron stood behind her squeezing her shoulder gently and pushed her slightly into the room. Elina stopped crying when they entered the room and tried to put on her smile. Ron knelt down beside the bed smiling sadly at her, while Hermoine sat on the edge of the bed. "Hey, Elie" Ron whispered. Elina's heart melted at that he called her by the nickname that Sirius gave to her. "Hey" she whispered back. Hermoine squeezed her leg gently for reassuring her. "Remind me to never let you breathe alone again" Ron joked trying to make her smile. She chuckled, but ended up coughing. "It wasn't your fault" she mumbled.

Fred and George came to stand in the door frame to check on her. "Hey little one" Fred smiled. "You need to get better soon, so you can attend the opening of our joke shop" George said. "Yeah we can't open it with out you" Fred added. They threw more jokes here and there then they all left to let Elina rest.

Weeks have passed and Elina was slowly recovering. She started to walk again but only with some support from someone. She got back to talking normally. She was still traumatised of course, she sleeps with the lights on and the door wide open. Hermoine and Ginny were sleeping in sleeping bags on Ron's room since they can't sleep with the lights on. Elina was joining everyone on the dinner table tonight. She was being supported by Harry as she slowly walked down the stairs. "Oh, How amazing it is for you to be finally able to join us" Molly beamed. Harry Helped Elina set in the chair next to his, he then sat down himself. "We are glad you are doing better" Tonks smiled her hands in Rumes'. Elina thanked them politely and then they all started eating. Harry was putting some of all kind of food in the table into Elina's plate. She tried to stop him from adding more but he told her that she needed to eat to regain her health.

Elina groaned and huffed at the amount of food in her plate. The sight of that much food took away her appetite. It was too much for her to eat and she wasn't hungry. Harry glared at her telling her to eat, she rolled her eyes and she started to poke the steak with the fork trying to get herself to eat. "Elina will you be able to come to the opening of our shop this Wednesday?" George asked before putting a full spoon of mash potatoes in his mouth.

Elina grinned. "Of course, I won't miss it for the world!!" It was the first time Elina looked happy in a while and they all grinned back at her happy sight. Harry stared at her lovingly. She was never herself recently, and he was glad to finally see her happy. Elina put her fork down and pushed her seat back slightly "The food is so good, Thank you, Molly, but I'm not that hungry" Elina gave her an apologetic look. "Oh it's totally fine, dear. You should go rest on the couch we will join you in minutes" Molly waved it of. Harry pushed up his chair and stood up to help her earning a smile from her. He sat her down at the couch and layed her legs on it. "Why thank you kind sir" she said playfully as he chuckled at her. Everyone came into the room and took a seat chatting and laughing. Harry sat at the arm of the couch beside Elina playing with her ponytail.

Soon enough Wednesday has come and Hermoine was helping Elina around the joke shop of Fred and George. The shop was colourful and noisy, full of a lot of prank supplies and wired, funny thinks to buy. "Hello ladies" The twins greeted in unison. "Hey, the place is great guys" Elina smiled.

"Why thank you little one" George thanked. Ron came holding some bag in his hand as the twins stood now in the top of the stairs. "Hey, how much is for this?" The twins turned around and looked at the bag.

"Five galleons" they said.

"How much for me?"

"Five galleons"

"I'm your brother" Ron protested

"Ten galleons" they shrugged.

Ron huffed in annoyance and put the bag back to the shelf. "Come on let's get out of here" Ron pulled a laughing Hermoine and Harry and Elina followed behind. "Ron can you slow down" Harry hissed as he helped Elina out of the shop. Ron turned around and saw Harry jerking his head at Elina. "Right, sorry" mumbled Ron and slow down to walk besides his friends. All of diagon alley was abandon and dark The twins joke shop the only thing brightening the ally. "Ollivander's" Hermoine said as they stepped into Ollivander's -destroyed- wand shop. They were scanning the wreck until Ron stopped to look at something outside. "Harry is it me or Draco and Mommy doesn't want to be seen?" They followed his gaze and saw Draco and Narcissa Malfoy were acting suspicious. "Let's go" Harry said walking after the Malfoys, Hermoine after him. Ron looked at Elina, who stood supported by the wall.

"One minute he scowl at me for moving to fast and the other he leaves her all alone" Ron mumbled to himself Helping Elina out of the shop behind Harry. "Come on, Elie" He smiled at her. The quartet sight was blocked by a building, Harry looked around to figure away to see what is happening with Malfoy. He looked up at the roof of the building and then looked at his friends. "Ron stay here with, 'lina, Hermoine come with me" Elina watched the two climb up the building to the roof, and scoffed. "Not fair they get to do something adventurous without me" she crossed her arms the wall of the building supporting her back.

"I think you had enough adventure for the last month, Elie" Ron said as a matter-of-fact. Elina shivered at the thought of last month and her face dropped nodding. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring-" "I'm fine, Ron, really" he sighed and opened his arms with a questioning look, she nodded and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder pulling her by the side close.

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