4.someone in the fire

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Walking into the common room, Elina found the room was -like usual- full of chatter. She spotted the three gryffindors she was invited to set with. When she approached them, they were accompanied by two people she didn't know, but looked familiar. "Hi" she greeted popping down on the empty spot in the couch where Hermoine and Ron were, While Harry and the other two -who she was amused by how identical they were- sat on the carpet in front of the fireplace facing the couch.

"Hey, there" one of the twins greeted. "You must be the famous, Elina" the other smiled. "they wouldn't stop talking about you" now in unison. "Let me guess, red hair, identical faces, and completing each other sentences. You Must be, Fred and George Weasley" she stated not even smiling. "Clever that one, I tell you" the one on the left said with sarcasm. "The question is, which one of you is Fred, and which one of you is George?" She asked now the corner of her mouth slightly went upwards.

"Fred" "Goerge" they said each others name pointing to the other.

"Well, that definitely wasn't confusing" Elina said sarcastically.

Ron and Harry burst into laughter, while Hermoine was smiling wildly. "They do that a lot. Confusing people I mean" Ron explained with a grin on his face after he finished laughing. "We enjoy it" they smirked. "Ah, ah. I can tell" Elina responded, leaning back at her seat.

Suddenly everything went black in Elina's eyes.flashes of what just happened played in her head, and then flashes of the weeks before. How she sat with the trio on the train, when they sat with her at the great hall, when she studied with Hermoine at the library, and even her conversation with Harry by the lake an hour ago. A dark and cold voice echoed in Elina's Ears "Don't waste time, Elina. I won't him to get that weapon for me".

"Elina!!" Another voice snapped her back to where she was. Hermoine was shaking her slightly.Harry was kneeling in front of her, his hand resting on her knees, while Ron,Fred and George were standing behind him with a worried look on there face.

"Are you alright?"Harry asked in concern.

"You zoned out very oddly" George spoke."You've been like that for an hour quarter, Ron almost went to get Madam Pomfrey" Fred explained.

Elina nodded. "Yeah I'm fine. Just a bit... tired that's all. You know that I don't sleep much" looking at Hermoine. It's true, Hermoine would usually wake up in the middle of the night to find Elina wide awake, reading or gazing out of the window. When Hermoine asked her why she's not sleeping well Elina answered with 'I wake up and don't know how to go back to sleep'.She didn't really ask about it more. But the real reason was that she didn't like the visits her father would pay her in her dreams. Nightmares to be honest.

Elina stood up, Hermoine and Harry followed her action. "I will have some sleep" with that she left the room.

"She looked like she have seen a troll" Fred remarked. They all was still looking to the direction Elina dissappeared through. George nodded in agreement.

"As much as I like that girl, I find her not understandble sometimes" Ron mumbled.

"I think she is going through something" Harry thought out loud.

"I agree with Harry. I hear her sometimes mumble in her sleep, and by the way she barely sleeps. But we don't know maybe she's just like that. Maybe that's how she is." Hermoine responded.


Elina was wide awake laying on her bed. She couldn't sleep. It's been hours since she came here to sleep. Her father was getting impatient. He wanted her to gain there trust fast and lead them to some weapon he talked about. When Hermoine came Elina closed her eyes and acted like she was asleep so she wouldn't ask her questions, but now everyone was asleep. It was past one in the morning. She heard voices coming from outside the room, so she decided to check. When she climbed down the stairs she saw Harry leaning close to the fireplace and he seemed like.....he was talking to it. She pressed her back against the wall and tried to listen.

"I have been seeing the same place over and over again" Harry spoke

"I don't know, Harry. Maybe you should tell Dumbledore. He will know what to do" A voice replied. Elina furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. There is no one in the room. Was he speaking to the fire?!

"I don't know. He has a lot in his mind. Plus, his been avoiding me recently for some-" a sneeze Elina couldn't contain intruppted, Harry. Great, Elina. Just great. Harry turned around "who's there?" He asked. Elina sighed and showed herself acting as if she just came. "Harry? I heard voices. Are alright?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just couldn't sleep"

Elina nodded sitting next to him in the couch. "Same"

They sat in silence watching the fire dancing inside the fireplace and listening to the cracking sound it made. Elina wondered who was that someone in the fire Harry was talking to."Why don't you sleep much?" Harry asked out of curiosity, his eyes never leaving the fireplace.

"Let's just say my mind has capability of being dark and scary" she muttered. Her face was emotionless as usual.

"You're scared of your own dreams?" Now looking at her, surprised and worried.

"Nightmares" she corrected. "They are Nightmares" she looked at him, her face still blank.


She looked back at the fireplace. She wanted to answer. She wanted to get it of her chest. To tell him about how her life is like, or how her father would be in her dreams making her get used to the sight of dead bodies. She was used to that sight no doubt, but in her dreams she was the one who made the bodies fall to the floor lifeless. She shivered at the thought. She didn't even know why she wanted to tell him. Why she felt this comfort towards him.

When he saw her shiver, he put a reassuring hand in top of her, squeezing it gently. She whipped her head his way. Her Hazel eyes meeting his dark green ones. He felt as if he was drowning in a Hazel ocean. Like her eyes was a forest and he was lost inside it. Her dark eyes were mesmerising. He smiled at her not breaking the eye contact. "Don't worry. The good thing about Nightmares that they are not real"

If only he knew that it's a matter of time until it becomes real.

She nodded. "Yeah, you are right" smiling slightly, she looked back once again to the fire.

He watched as her smile dropped and she stood up. "I think I will go back to my room, now" He nodded and watched her disappear up the stairs once again.

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