24. He used it

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Harry was flipping the Half-Blood Prince book's pags, Elina was eating her salad, Hermoine reading a book, and Ron eyeing Brown. A snowflake fell to Elina's nose and she groaned. "Ron. Stop. You're making it snow, for Merlin's sake!"

"Huh?" Ron turned to her confused, then saw the snow above him and mumbled a sorry. "Tell me again how I broke up with Lavender?" Ron asked frowning.

"Um, well, she came to visit you in the hospital, you see, and you talked. I don't believe it was a long conversation -" Hermoine explained.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her. It's just she seems... "

the four looked over at Brown, who was looking at them with anger hitting her spoon into the table repeatedly.

"She Does, doesn't she? And you say you don't remember a thing from that night? Anything?" Hermoine asked curiously.

Elina smirked playfully "Don't you, Ronald? Remember anything?" Hermoine kicked her from under the table and she groaned in pain.

"Well, there is something..." He stopped to thinks for a second "But no. It can't be. Besides, I was completely boggled, wasn't I ?"

"Right. Boggled..." Hermione frowned, frowning.

Then a familiar girl entered and was greeted by a group of girls, giggling and cheering happily, drawing Elina's attention."That's Katie. That's Katie Bell." She pointed out.

Harry stood up and walked to the group of girls and talked with Katie Bell. Harry, then looked back and saw Draco Malfoy standing anxiously, before running from the great hall, Harry following behind.


After Elina heard what happened with Malfoy, she went crazy, you can ask Ron and Hermoine. She paced around the room until Harry came. And when Harry came he wished he never did because she snapped at him. She was now taking him to the room of requirement after finally calming down. They entered the room and walked a bit deeper into it. "Give me the book, and close your eyes, in case you became tempted"

Harry hesitated, but closed his eyes and handed her the book. Harry felt her walk away, as he missed her warm hand. Soon after, he felt her breathe and then her lips touched his. She kissed him slowly and softly , then pulled away, exiting the room.

They entered the common room and was greeted by there two bestfriends. "So. Did you two do it?" asked Ron, as he patted the place next to him. Elina sat down "What?"

"Did you hide the book?" Hermoine asked.

"Oh. Oh, yes. Yes, we did" Elina said nervously. Hermoine eyed her suspiciously but nodded.

"Still no luck with Slughorn?" Ron changed the subject, turning to Harry.

Harry shook his head, but then froze. Elina's face lit up as well, as if she read his mind. "Luck" the couple said at the same time startling Hermoine and Ron.

Harry rushed to his room, leaving a grinning girlfriend and two confused bestfriends.

They looked at Elina questionly, but before she could answer, Harry came back with a vail of liquid luck in his hand, and the two confused bestfriends, beamed.

"Well? How do you feel?" asked Elina, when Harry drank the liquid.

"Brilliant!!" Harry grinned.

"Slughorn usually returns to his office at this time, so you better go now" Hermoine said.

"Right. I'm going down to Hagrid's." Harry marched to the door.

"What? No, Harry, you've got to go see Slughorn-" Hermione argued.

"No. I've got a good feeling about going to Hagrid's." Harryintruppted. "I feel like it's the place to be tonight, know what I mean?"

"No." The trio replied in unison. Harry shrugged and exited the room, leaving the three stunned.

"Well, I trust Harry" Elina shrugged.

"You think he knows what he's doing?" Ron asked.

"I'm not sure I would go that far" Elina pointed out making the other two chuckle.


Hermoine was sitting on her bed reading the book she borrowed from the library. Harry, came 3 hours ago and told him all about horcrux, that he learned from the memory, then everyone went to sleep. She was the only one awake in the room. The silence was filling the room, only the sound of pages being fliped was heard.

That's until Elina started moving in her sleep mumbling things. Hermoine didn't mind it at first. She thought that Elina was talking in her sleep as usual, so she didn't give it much thought. Suddenly a loud and painful scream was heard from Elina. Everyone in the room jumped awake, confused and scared. Hermoine rushed to wake Elina up but she wasn't successful. Elina kept screaming. All the girls were around her trying to wake her up. She jumped awake hardly breathing tears pouring from her eyes. "Are you okay?" Hermoine asked kneeling down holding one of Elina's hands. Elina shock her head clutching her free hand on the neck of her blouse." I-I-I can't-can't- breath" she managed to say, trying to breath.

The door of the room brust open. The gryffindor boys stood at the door. "Bloody hell, we heard someone scream are you girls alright?" Asked a worried Ron, standing behind them was Harry, Neville, Seamus, and Dean, And a lot more of the gryffindors. Harry spotted everyone gatherd around Elina, while she was crying and breathing heavily. He ran to her pushing the girls aside, sitting in her bed facing her. "what happened? Are you alright? Hey, hey I'm here. I'm here" he took a hold of her shoulder trying to calm her down. "I can't-breath-Harry" she gasped shaking.
"Hermoine, what happened?" He asked the girl who was still in her kneeling position, Hermoine shook her head not knowing the answer "Mabye, panic attack?" She guessed.

Harry grabbed her by the shoulder and forced her to face him. "Look at me, Elina. Look at me angle" she looked up, her eyes meeting his.

"I need you to calm down, love. Take a breathe. Breathe with me. Breathe in, and Breathe out. In and out. In and out" she slowly copied him, breathing together. "I want you to tell me 5 things you can see, alright?" She nodded and looked around. "Y-you, a-and H-Her-rmoine, I-I can see Her-m-moine." She looked around again. "N-Neville" she again looked around. Harry nodded encouragingly. "Ron, a-and Ginny" Harry nodded encouragingly.

"Now, four things you hear. Come on, love" Elina struggled to breathe but nodded. "Y-you" she took a deep breathe. "Myself" another breathe "t-the c-clock" breathe "R-Ron's foot t-taping" Harry glanced at Ron and he stopped. "What? Sorry, I'm just worried" he mumbled standing behind Hermoine. "Three things you smell?" Harry continued. "Y-You, The t-tea a-and m-me" Harry nodded. "Almost there, two things you taste?"

"C-chocolate a-and cinnamon"

"One thing you feel?" Harry smiled slightly.

"You" Elina's breathe calmed down. "I-I can feel you" After her breathes went back to normal she buried her head into Harry's lap.

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