37. Mental

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Hogsmeade was dark and empty, only a light from the three Broomsticks was lighting the place. The Quartet had apperated just seconds ago. The laughter coming from the three Broomsticks died out and the door flew open. The four Gryffindors hide behind the building of Honeydukes, as Death eaters came out. "Right there!"Death eater shouted.

Harry, Elina, Ron and Hermoine sneaked through the streets and hide behind a few boxes in front of a bar, their back pressed against it. "We know you're here, Potter, There's no getting away." One of them said.

Harry took out the broken piece of the mirror, and twisted it in his hand. Suddenly the door of the bar was opened and from inside, came an old man identical to Albus Dumbledore.

"In here, Potter." The man whispered gesturing for them to get in. Harry, Elina, Ron and Hermione entered quickly passing the old man. They entered a warm wooden room fireplace under painting of a young girl.

"Did you get a look at him!" Ron whispered to the other three. "For a second I thought it was-"

"Dumbledore, I know" Hermione breathed.
Harry glanced at the mirror in his hands

"Harry...I can see you, here" Elina said in a low tone.

Harry looked up and saw her pointing at a mirror with a missing broken piece, and even though he was far from the mirror's sight, his reflection was shown. He looked back at the piece in his hand, and saw Elina's Hazel eyes.
Just then, Aberforth's came into the room with a tray of food and water, slamming it on the table "You bloody fools! Are you mental?" He scowled.

"If leaving our seventh year to go search for something that could help us kill my father, and then go to the middle of the ministry to find a stupid locket, then we end up in a Forst one of us is injured and can't apperate who happens to be the one who get mad and leave the group leaving us camping in randoms areas and then go to Godric's Hallows and get attacked by my father's creepy snake-" "Elina-" " And then we are back to the forest and Harry happens to find Ron who happens to have destroyed the locket we have been trying to destroy-" "Elina-" " and after that we go to our friend's father who rate us out to my father and we appreate to the same bloody forest! And without even taking a break!! Snatchers caught us and took us to the Manor were Death eaters stay. The Cruciatus Curse have been used on me again and my bestfriend been torture-" "Elina-!" " and then I got stabbed. We broke to the most guarded bank in the whole world and rode a bloody Dragon!! And then we came here to go to Hogwarts. If all that doesn't give us the right to be mental I don'tknow what does, because -"

"Elina!!" Harry called for the hundredth time. Elina took a deep breathe, everyone was staring at her in disbelieve. "Sorry lost my temper" she breathed.

After a moment of silent staring at Elina, Harry turned to the man."You're Aberforth." Harry intruppted his scolding. "Dumbledore's brother. It's you I've been seeing here. It's you who sent Dobby."

"Does she always tell everything to anyone? If saw you are doomed" Aberforth ignored Harry, still staring at the brunette in shock.

"She doesn't. But her short temper is a problem we tried to solve a hundreds of times" Hermoine answered giving Elina a look, who avoided thier eyes.

"How'd you come by it?" Harry asked referring to the mirror.

"Mundungus Fletcher, about a year ago." Aberforth replied.

"Dung had no right selling you that." Harry spoke. "It belonged to-"

"Sirius. Albus told me," Aberforth said. "He also told me that you'd likely be hacked off if you ever found out I had it, but ask yourself where you'd be if I didn't."

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