8. 12 Grimmauld place

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Standing in front of two tall buildings, There was building number 11 and building number 13, but there was no building with number 12. Elina reread, Harry's letter.

𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚘 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 '𝟷𝟸 𝙶𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎' 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚝.

There was no details in the letter. Elina was so confused, but she looked at the buildings in front of her and tried to follow Harry's instructions. 12 Grimmauld place. 12 Grimmauld place. 12 Grimmauld place. Elina replied in her head. Suddenly the ground started shaking, and the two buildings started moving in opposite direction, revealing another identical but darker building. '12 Grimmauld place' it read. She was shocked and amused. She left her trunk up and knocked.

Elina heard voices moving around from the inside, until the door was opened by a red-haired, middle aged woman. "Oh dear, you must be the famous, Elina" the woman beamed. Elina nodded. "Come in, dear, come in" Elina stepped in the house. The house was dark themed. "I'm Moly Weasley, nice to meet you dear" the woman introduced pulling Elina into a hug. She was taking aback by the woman's action, but hugged back. "Nice to meet you too, Mrs Weasley" breaking the hug Molly smiled at the brunnete. "Call me Molly, dear. Come everyone is all waiting for you in the kitchen".

Molly guided the girl to the kitchen. As soon as Elina stepped foot inside the kitchen everyone stood up smiling wildly. "Elina!!" They all beamed in unison. Elina giggled as she attacked by hugs from Ginny, Fred and George. "Hey there" she greeted as they pulled away making way for Ron and Hermoine to hug her too. "We missed you!!" Hermoine exclaimed happily. "Glad you came, 'lina" Ron said ruffling her hair. As Ron and Hermoine pulled away her eyes met the eyes she most missed to look into. She grinned at the sight of him. He was wearing a blue shirt and black pants, his hair was perfectly messy. He grinned back looking her up and down. She was wearing a black short dress -her usual colour- that reached her knees, her hair was let down reaching her waist. She looked breathtaking. Without warning Elina put her trunk down and jumped at Harry, hugging him tightly. Harry laughed at her sudden action and hugged her back just as tight. "You look stunning" he whispered in her ears.

Elina smiled as she pulled away, scanning the room she saw Professor lupin, another red-haired man -who she guessed was, Mr Weasley, and a woman with purple hair. "Elina, this is my dad..." Ron pointed to the red-haired man. "Arthur Weasley, Nice to meet you" the man smiled. "I'm glad you are doing better, Mr Weasley" she smiled. "And, Rumes lupin, I'm sure you remember him. He was our teacher at third year" Elina nodded. "And this is Nymphadora Tonks..." Ron pointed at the woman with purple hair, which suddenly turned red. "Ron, how many times do I have to tell you. Don't call me Nymphadora. It's Tonks" The woman spoke. She turned to, Elina,with a smile and her hair was purple again. "Nice to meet you, Elina" Elina nodded politely.

"Ah, the famous Elina is here" a voice said. Everyone turned to the door and smiled except for, Elina, who her face was showing a shocked expression. What is Sirius Black doing here? What the hell. She thought. "Elina, this is Sirius Black, my godfather" Harry introduced. Elina's head snapped to Harry's direction and she looked more shocked. Harry laughed at her face expression. "Long story- short, he is innocent and he never worked for Voldemort" he explained. Elina new he never worked for her father. When everyone thought that Sirius was the one who helped Bellatrixe out of azkaban, she heard her father laugh about how they thought Sirius was his follower. But she never expected him to be here nor expected that he would be, Harry's godfather.

Sirius entered the room and extended his hand. "Sirius Black, nice to finally meet you" Elina took his hand and shook it replacing her shocked expression with a blank one. "Elina Alodia, nice to meet you too" he give her a polite nod. "Come on, let me show you your room" Ginny said. Fred took her trunk and followed the two. "You will be sharing a room with me and Hermoine, if that's OK, because there are no empty rooms left" Ginny shrugged. "Yeah it's totally fine" she smiled at the red-haired girl. "You also need to watch every step you take, because now you are at the same house as the Weasley twins, so you will never know what or where is the next prank" Ginny smirked looking back at Fred as they entered the room. "Glad to know we are a threat to you, Miss Ginny" Fred joked. " Oh you are a threat to everyone" Ginny replied. She turned to look at Elina. "I will leave you to empty your trunk, if you need anything you can call us from downstairs" Elina nodded.
When Ginny left the room, Elina started unpacking.

A knock on the door was heard as she finished one side of the trunk. "Come in" she called. The door opened to reveal, Harry, holding two mugs of hot chocolate. "Oh, you know my weakness" Elina put her hand to her chest dramatically. Harry giggled and handed her the mug as they both sat on the edge of the bed. "We missed you. I-I missed you" Harry smiled softly with a slight blush on his face. Elina smiled back and whispered "I missed you two" as she took a sip of her drink not looking away from his eyes. " I'm glad you came, everyone here is so glad you did. Molly was so excited to meet you, Sirius as well" Harry said. "I'm glad I came too. Everyone seems so nice" Elina said. Harry nodded. "They are. You will love them" silent filled the room. Not the awkward kind, though. "Oh, I hope you hadn't made plans with your Uncle" Harry spoke. Elina looked taken aback by the mention of something about her family. She forgot that they thought she lived with her Uncle. "Oh, no don't worry, we Don't make plans. I barley see him. We are not close" Elina explained. That wasn't a lie. She barely sees her father. "Sorry to hear that" Harry give her a sympathetic smile. Elina rolled her eyes annoyed. She didn't like people to sympathise her. "Don't give that look, Potter. I don't need sympathy" she snapped. Right. Short temper. Harry thought. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that" he apologised. Elina rolled her eyes and sighed in defeat." I know. Sorry I snapped" "it's alright"

Elina looked at, Harry's eyes, which was looking straight back at hers. They leaned closer not breaking their gaze. There lips were about to touch when the door suddenly opened. They jumped back stareld. "Molly, have been calling you too. We are all waiting at the table. Dinner is ready and I'm hungry. Come on!!!" Ron groaned. Harry rolled his eyes and Elina sighed in frustration. "We're coming. You won't die, if you waited 5 minutes longer, Ron" Elina snapped as she and Harry followed Ron down stairs.

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