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General POV
The party had been going smoothly. Tony, Steve, Vision and Thor were leading everyone out ready for the after party and gift giving. It was a difficult task as no one really wanted to leave the party and many were very drunk. But The avengers managed to clear the room with only a broken glass. It wouldn't have helped their reputation if they couldn't clear a room full on drunken people.

Riley was close to falling asleep, she hadn't had as much sleep as she needed to. Ever since returning from Hydra her sleep schedule has been even worse than before, she would get no more that 4 hours a night, and that would be on a good night. Even wen she was tired she hated allowing herself to fall asleep as her memories haunted her and plagued her dreams.

Wanda was close to falling asleep as well but not for the same reason as her girlfriend. Riley made Wanda feel safe just her presence and touch made Wanda calm, so When Riley wrapped an arm around her girlfriend and began to rub circles on her palm with the other hand Wanda's eyes drooped and her mind cleared as he body relaxed.

Both girls were suddenly disturbed from their sleepy states when Tony snapped his fingers in front of them. Riley stuck her foot out forcefully kicking in the direction of the sound. Tony doubled over in pain, her kick had hit him in the balls.

"Fuck, sorry. Remind me not to do that again" Tony said, the pain evident in his voice.

"Shit, Tony, I'm really sorry" Riley said "You just startled me, shit, god, Im sorry" Riley said nervously. Nat, who had watched the whole thing was just laughing, as Tony just walked away frowning after offering Riley a nod.

Riley buried her head in her hands feeling guilty, she hated hurting the people she cared about and it happened much more frequently than she wanted it to. Wanda gently patted her on the back. "I mean he did kinda deserve it even if it was an accident. He should know to wake you up gently or not to do it at all. Its not your fault" Wanda offered kindly. Nodding Riley got up and walked over to the centre of the room where everyone else had gathered. They were ready to give the Maximoff's their presents. The group had put them in the room earlier in the day in a secure spot before any of the other guests had arrived.

"I will give my gift first" Tony announced, handing the twins a package each. Opening them with smiles on their faces the twins exited found and iPad in each. A red one for Wanda and a Blue on for Pietro.

"Thank you Tony" Wanda said kindly, smiling at the great gift.

"Thanks Stark" Pietro smiled teasingly but was very appreciative of his gift.

Looking around the room Riley saw everyone's expressions and whispered to Wanda "I have a feeling this is going to turn into some competition, who can get the best reaction or best gift giver, there will be lots of judging, I just know it" Riley smiled, Wanda nodded to her girlfriend and after looking round the room she knew Riley was right.

Peter handed Wanda her gift and Pietro his, Wanda chuckled lightly to find a grey bunny onesie with long ears on the hood, inside her package and looked over to Pietro to see he had a Koala onesie. "These are amazing gifts Peter" Wanda stated, Pietro nodding.

"I'm impressed Pete" Tony said, 'subtly' giving Peter a high five, everyone noticed and rolled their eyes at their antics.

"Me and Yelena paired up to get you guys gifts" Nat said smiling while handing over her gifts. She and Yelena had brought Wanda a new jacket as Wanda was always stealing Nat's and Pietro some new running shoes. His shoes got worn down pretty quickly so she had gotten Tony to help enhance their durability so they would last him longer.

"Thank you" The twins said simultaneously, Wanda smiled cheekily knowing the reason for her gift.

"Before you open these I will warn you, I was unsure of what to buy so . . . I hope they are good" Clint said nervously. He found the teens very hard to buy for and had asked his teenage son and wife for some help. He had gotten Wanda and Pietro each a shirt that said 'Ask the other twin' on the front and 'They probably don't know either but give it a go' on the back but in a smaller font. along with a teddy bear for Wanda and a new sports drinks bottle for Pietro

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