Move in

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The slim fingers tugged on the pink hair. A smirk touched the thin, pale lips. He loved it! His other hand clutched the handle, keeping him upright as the bus lurched forward. The handle of his luggage bag bumped against his leg. Letting go of the hair, which only half was a vibrant pink, he took ahold of the handle.

Glancing around the bus, he saw that many of the people still on it had bags like his. The last stop in town came up. The rest of the adults disembarked. A seat opened up, gratefully the teen dropped into it. The bus pulled away. Half of its seats were taken. The two toned eyes of the teen glanced up, no one was looking at anyone else. That was until a large face dipped down to glare at the teen.

“You look like a cute little freak.” The boy sneered at him. Whatever. It’s not like it was the first time someone said stuff like that to him. He turned away. His gaze going out the window. The town had disappeared. Out here, there were only trees.

The tall, muscled teen that had spoken to him apparently had friends. The boy, with the half pink hair, half blue, ignored them, but they were loud. They talked about his hair, his clothes, the way he sat, with his legs crossed. He had heard it all, most from his own family. Yet, it still bugged him. He tuned it out as the gravel sang under the tires.

It was a half hour outside of town that the bus drove. The long winding road led to only one place. The hill rose up out of the gloom of trees. There, for a brief moment, you could see the spiked towers, the darkened walls, the elaborate castle like building. The boy smiled. He couldn’t wait to set his feet on the grounds again. This time, as a student.

The bus chugged up the mountain. It pulled into the large tear drop driveway, not even pausing at the main gates. Golden letters spelled out the name of the school. They twinkled in the morning sunlight.

Samhain Hunter's Institute for Training.

 Stopping at the point right before the main walkway, the bus hissed as its breaks engaged. Grabbing all of his bags, the pink haired teen leapt up. Accidently head-butting the idiot who had leaned down to harass him again. The large male fell back into his friends. The bus doors opened.

The pink haired teen dashed out. He raced up the steps. Being the youngest of ten siblings, he learned to be fast when it was needed. He raced up past the flag pole, only slowing as the steps came up. The flag snapped in the wind. The teen, still sorta on the small side, adjusted the shoulder of the teal shirt he wore.

“Nice outfit. Love the hair.”  A deep voice spoke nearby. The boy turned. “Cute.” The large male teen whispered. He was even bigger than the one the small teen was currently running from. His spiky black hair made him look even taller. The teen knew exactly what he was. The smile on that face didn’t hide the truth of his creation.

“Fuck off, you fire breathing twat.” The teen hissed.

“Nagisa Romanari, there you are!” A voice screamed. Nagisa turned. Rushing toward him was an old friend. One he had met here on his many, many trips.

“Coldar Remington, you smelly mutt!” Nagisa dropped his stuff as he hugged the other boy. They laughed slapping each other on the back. The blond teen scooped up two of the bags. He left Nagisa to pull the one with wheels as they headed on up the hill.

“Nagisa, huh?” The brooding dark haired teen smirked at finding out the smaller boy’s name. Whistling he walked off into the wooded area.

Coldar talked all about the events scheduled for orientation the next day. Nagisa hadn’t even glanced back as the dark figure walked away. “How do you know Ryu?” the blond at his side suddenly asked.

“Whose Ryu?” Nagisa asked looking up at the slightly taller teen. The boy pointed to the massively tall shadow disappearing into the woods.

“Ryu Queensire.” He stated. “He looked happy to see you.” Coldar added.

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