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They worked silently beside each other. It had been three days since Mrs. Remington's episode. The first two days, Collin felt strange not having Coldar at his side. The werewolf would appear right before class but vanish before the vampire could catch up to him afterward. The only comfort Collin had were his good night texts. Without fail, the werewolf still sent them.

Then today, Coldar was just waiting outside the vampire dorms like any other day. He chatted about school, their favorite comic uploading, all the stuff they typically talked about. They even began to gossip a little over Wyvern and Mori. This went down the path to Ryu and Nagisa. Collin had told Coldar about the little slip Ryu had made. Coldar had laughed.

It wasn't his normal laugh, but it was close enough. After classes, Collin pointed out he had been slacking off with homework. Coldar had winced, stating he had too. The duo decided to meet up after dinner to work in the library. The night wore on as students came and went. It had been pretty quiet for a long time now. Coldar closed a book.

He rubbed at his eyes while Collin watched. His smile was soft as he thought about how cute the werewolf looked. Glancing through his fingers, Coldar caught him staring. He picked up a wadded up paper to throw at the others head. Collin caught it with ease.

"I'm fine, stop worrying! It's annoying!" Coldar glared at him.

"I, I just want you to know, um, well..." Collin stammered.

"Yeah, I know." Coldar muttered. He picked up a stack of books to place in the bin for the librarian to reshelf.

"It's late." Coldar said, looking out the high window. He could see the stars twinkling on the velvet canvas of the night sky.

"Yeah, we should go. Finish this up tomorrow." Collin closed the book he had been flipping through. He didn't want Coldar to know he had finished all his work about an hour ago. He placed his books next to the ones Coldar had put in the bin.

Together, they picked up the rest of their things. Neither one was talking as they shut the light off on the table. Just then, the overhead lights went out. They both looked up. Then at each other. Since both derived from night animals, the dark didn't bother them. Each could see just fine within it.

"They are closing the library!" Coldar hissed.

"Run!" Collin insisted.

They both bolted through the stacks. Their bags banging against their backs. Coming out in the front hall, they saw the large double doors were closed before them. Collin hit them first. He bounced off right into Coldar. The werewolf caught him easily.

"What was that?" Collin rubbed his arm where the spell had hit him.

"What do you mean?" Coldar made sure the vampire was OK. He walked, slower up to the door. He couldn't get within six inches of it. Collin hadn't bounced off the door.

"I thought they left it open during school sessions!" Collin hissed, pressing his hand into the invisible shield.

"You don't think it's every door?" Coldar asked. They looked at each other.

"I'll go right. You take the left." Collin pushed the boy forward.

They raced around the lower floor. Collin leapt up to the upper deck running the same route. Nothing. Not one single space could he get close enough to a window or door to get out. He met Coldar back by the main door.

"No use." he muttered.

"Same." Coldar insisted.

"What do you think it is?" Collin asked, once more placing his hand against the invisible wall.

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