Another Romanari

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“Who is the babe?” A voice asked once Nagisa and Ryu reached the crowd around the rink.

“Damn, look at him. He looks just like his picture in the journals.” A girl gushed clinging to her friend.

“She puts the f in fine!” a male voice said. Ryu glanced over their heads.

“I have a sinking feeling about this.” Nagisa commented.

“As you should.” Ryu’s mouth was a thin line.

“Marcus?” Nagisa asked the dragon shifters back.

“Yeah, and some female. Maybe another sister?” Ryu offered. He eyed the sleek, slender female. She was older than Hari or Cami, that much he could tell. Nagisa shifted through the crowd. Ryu followed behind him. They reached the front row.

“There you are!” Marcus had just finished tying his hair up in a ponytail. He eyed his youngest sibling, a smirk on his face. Nagisa felt the bottom fall out of his stomach. He charged up the steps.

“What do you think you’re doing?” He snarled, flinging the arm that Marcus held out in greeting away.

“You could get hurt. Where’s Moon?” Nagisa demanded.

“With her mother. I’m fine. I’m not the one that’s going to fight.” Marcus pointed out.

“Oh, so the great hunter Marcus Romanari makes an appearance before the combat training class, and he won’t fight?” Nagisa hissed.

“What’s keeping the curse at bay?” Marcus asked, changing the subject. Before Nagisa could answer, the steely eyes flashed to the tall, lurking boy behind his brother.

“Dragon scale. Now I get it.” Marcus nodded.

“Oh, he’s cute. I bet he has a nice little package.” The female beside Marcus bit her lip. Her grey eyes drank in someone across the rink.

“He’s a centaur.” Nagisa said.

“Ooh, horesy!” The woman tapped a long painted nail against her lip. She brushed the waves of thick black hair off her shoulder.

“Please don’t fuck my school mates!” Nagisa hissed at her. She turned.

“Dragon, right?” her eyes grew large as she took in the huge teen beside her brother. “Look at those muscles! Nagisa, why haven’t you introduced us?” she demanded reaching out to the teen.

“Why her?” Nagisa demanded of Marcus.

“She was upset that she had been the only one who hadn’t seen you in weeks. Even Lucifer had come by.” Marcus stated selecting a long staff from a display of weapons. Nagisa sighed.

“Can I put myself up for adoption?” he muttered.

“My names Faraday.” He heard his sister saying. “Nagisa’s best sister.” She cooed giggling.

“Leave him alone!” He ripped the girls hand away from the dragon. “He’s mine!” he glared at her.

“Oh? I didn’t know!” Faraday stepped back.

“No, not like that!” Nagisa hissed.

“Get in line.” Marcus ordered. He pounded the staff against the floor of the rink. Silence fell among the gathered students.

“Good afternoon class!” He called out. There was a loud and hearty response from the class. “Colonel McAndrews had to attend a training seminar today.” He continued. “In his place, my sister and I volunteered to conduct today’s class.” He moved around the rink. Nagisa watched his grace filled moves.  He was like a tiger on the prowl. He smirked at the thought. Faraday was putting her hair up.

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