Castle Sanguis Lunae

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"Don't look!" Collin hissed as a large hand covered Nagisa's eyes. The small teen let out a sigh.

"Who is it?" He demanded. Then, he stopped with his arms folded over his chest.

"Dad!" He guessed, having run through how his friends would respond to each of his family members showing up. Only Reginald would get this sort of reaction.

"Yep." Collin giggled.

"Ugh! Is he one of the teachers watching the exams?" He demanded.

"Yeah, but surprisingly, so is Marcus and Mori." Collin offered.

"Dad's here too." Coldar pointed out. His father moved along the far side of the group of teachers.

"Doesn't he often help with the exam?" Nagisa asked. He was now holding the dragons hand that had covered his eyes.

"Yeah, but I had never been a part of it. I'm not sure if he watched Race's exam." Coldar looked thoughtful.

"Just as long as they don't pit us against each other." Nagisa held up a closed fist. Coldar pounced his hand off of it.

"They won't. We are in different levels. Next semester, it's weapons, though!" Coldar looked excited for this.

"Yeah, something you have been practicing since the womb!" Nagisa rolled his eyes. Coldar grinned.

"Nagisa Romanari." A voice called out. He extracted himself from the group. Walking up to where the teachers stood, he held his fists before him in a combat hold potion.

"You will fight..." The exam proctor was looking over a list. He paused at seeing something on the paper.

"We can't have this kid fight that Queensire!" the proctor, an elf of long standing hissed.

"Trust me, it's fine." Marcus snorted.

"He is too small!" the exam provider snarled.

"Plus, they are dating." Marcus looked thoughtful.

"What?" the administrator demanded.

"Let me fight Ryu. The only other one who could handle me would be one of the teachers, not dad!" He quickly spoke up.

The elf glanced at him. He twisted around to look back to where Reginald stood. Mori arched an eyebrow as if to say he would be willing. The elf turned back to Nagisa.

"We won't have you fight a relative." He said.

"Then Ryu's your only choice." Nagisa stated.

"He would hurt you." The elf pointed out.

"How about this... if you can touch me, I will concede to whomever else you want me to fight. If you can't, I fight Ryu?" Nagisa offered. Marcus grinned, Mori snorted. The elf handed his papers to Marcus.

"Deal." He lunged forward, thinking to take the young vampire by surprise.

The surprise was on the elf, as one second the teen was before him, but the second he was gone. Nagisa landed behind the elf, still holding the pose. He waited for the elf to turn. The man flung his sea colored hair behind him. He dodged to the right. Nagisa saw the fake the instant he brought his right shoulder slightly forward. The vampire ducked rolling under the arm. He once more stood up behind the elf in the ready position.

"How do you...?" the elf paused. He eyed the young teen.

"Nagisa Romanari has passed his physical exam." He said.

"What? That's it?" Nagisa huffed.

Marcus cuffed his brother on the back of the head. "You idiot, that was the head general of King Ormand's guards! No one defeats him!" He hissed in his brother's ear.

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