Passing in the daylight

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It was the fourth morning. Nagisa's wrist had healed as quickly as all his wounds. Sometimes, it was great to have vampire blood. He searched the dorms as he passed them. His eyes scanning for him, the elusive gigolo. He hadn't seen him that first day. Maybe due to Nagisa leaving early to find the bedroom of one Ryu Queensire. But the second day...

As Nagisa was distracted watching the sunrise once more, a shadow moved. He blinked, turning to watch the movement. It was a bipedal being. Nagisa flinched. His hand reached for the handle of the dagger tucked in his hoodie pocket. The figure swayed across the sidewalk. They were walking towards each other. The figure, a mere humanoid shape in the shadows of the trees, became clearer to the vampire sight of the teen, eyeing him. He looked like some model.

The dark hair looked to be thick and shone like the stars as it cascaded down his back. The tips had green coloring dyed into them. It was swept back on one side, leaving the pointed ears out for the world to see. His shirt was undone, the tie hanging loose around his sculpted neck. The man had abs that would rival even a dragon shifter. Nagisa had to admit he looked down right, breathtaking, if it wasn't for the putrid smell of dry alcohol and vomit coming off of his clothing. Which looked rich enough, but Nagisa frowned at the obvious show of wealth.

Magnificent green eyes glowed out of his smiling face as they drew within reach of each other. The strange teen tipped an imaginary hat at Nagisa as they passed by. The half vampire snorted. This was what life was like for some. He decided. He had gone on to Ryu's room carrying not only the tray of food but a few pieces of colored clothing with him. He had enjoyed eating with the other teen. They didn't really talk. Ryu just sort of stared at Nagisa.

The next day, the small teen was passing a building a few away from where he saw the man. This time, he came out of the woods. His clothing rumpled more. It was also lesser quality than the suit he wore the day before. The man had stopped to look at Nagisa.

"Love the top. Where did you get it?" he asked, flicking long, thin fingers against the puffy pink sweater the teen wore.

"I made it." Nagisa said.

"Care to make me one?" he asked. "I will pay for it. Something in green." He asked, arching a sculpted eyebrow. "I know of a lot of people who would love something like this. You should check out the underground website." He took the napkin off of the tray. Writing down something, he tucked it into the back packet of Nagisa's tight shorts.

"Names, Fenn." He told the teen. "This is my first year here." He offered eyeing Nagisa.

"Same, officially any way." Nagisa introduced himself. They parted after that.

The next morning, they met just before Nagisa turned down the path to the dragon dorms. Fenn had waved.

"Where are you taking this? Do you work for the school?" he asked.

"No, I lost a bet." Nagisa rolled his eyes. Fenn laughed. "Hey, thanks for the idea on the web thing."

"Any time, little man." Fenn laughed. "Do I get a finders discount?" he asked, winking.

"Give me your room number, I'll come by and get your measurements and make you a sweater. The first one is free, how about that?" Nagisa offered. Fenn agreed, giving him his room location. Nagisa had been in a better mood walking in to wake Ryu.

The pair had a more animated breakfast that day. Ryu had criticized an anime that Coldar and Nagisa had stayed up to catch the new season release. Nagisa had attacked him with a butter knife, which led to the two dueling while laughing with the cutlery. Nagisa was finding it easier to relax around the huge dragon shifter.

The small framed boy kicked the front door open. He was slightly miffed that he hadn't run into Fenn today. He had a question he wanted to ask the fey. Shrugging, he figured he could try his room later. They had a time set up for Nagisa to come by to get the needed information so the teen could make him a sweater.

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