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"What's going on?" Coldar hissed. He had awaken to the text from Collin saying Nagisa was injured. He rushed over. The dragon shifter had been the only reason the werewolf was allowed in the dorms. He sat between Akara and Collin now on the girl's bed.

The blond vampire was sitting in Nagisa's desk chair. His back rigid, he didn't even look as if he was breathing. His eyes remained focused only on the tiny rising and falling of the blankets covering the boy in the bed. The dragon shifter sat facing him. He was in Akara's chair. Mori trailed a finger over the dragon earring.

"How come you didn't tell him what that meant?" Ryu asked. The half vampire flicked his eyes up to the dragon. He didn't say anything. The silence lengthened between them. Fenn had gone to get dressed. He walked in carrying the tray of food Nagisa had made.

"Uh, I think it's cold now, but didn't want his effort to go to waste." The fey offered the tray to Ryu. The dragon took it, setting it on the table behind him.

"Hey, why are we still hanging..." The voice cut off. Heads turned to see the man in the doorway. He was tall, muscular, but more sleeker built than the other dragon shifter. Mori rolled his eyes.

"Wyvern, what are you doing here?" Ryu asked, letting the chair legs hit the floor. Fenn went to take a seat on the floor near Akara's bed.

"Oh, I was just... I can warm that up for you." He brushed past his brother to reach the tray. Ryu eyed him suspiciously. Yet he wasn't the last to show up. Once more, the doorway was filled with another form. This one carrying a human. Fenn's mouth dropped open at seeing the man step over the threshold.

"Breathtaking." He breathed out.

"Lucifer, you took your time." Mori hissed.

"I had to go back home to get her." The tall dark-haired vampire stated. He sat the woman down.

"What happened?" she was beside the boy's bed instantly. Her hand pulling the covers away. Mori hissed. Her eyes flicked up to him.

"Now's not the time, Mori. What happened to my son." She demanded.

"I was chasing some rogue vamps. I had help steering them away from the school. They ran into him." He muttered.

"Of course he assisted you." She tsked.

"I didn't get there in time. They saved him. Brought him to Collin." He said. The woman's eyes scanned the room.

"You gave him blood?" she asked. Mori sank back away from her. The tall vampire who had brought her stood silently at the end of the bed.

"Of course. When I realized..." He began. She nodded.

She lifted the bag she had over her shoulder. She dumped several things out on the bed. Her fingers appeared to know what to do, for she didn't even look at them. She picked them up, singing a weird echoing song. Akara gasped as she leaned forward.

"What is it?" Coldar looked at her.

"She's a healing witch. That song, it's to mend." She breathed. Collin flicked his gaze over to his cousins. The red eyes of the raven haired male caught his. He flinched back. The man strolled up to them. He picked up the blade lying in Collin's lap. He flipped it expertly through his elegant fingers.

"Marcus gave it to him." He sounded astounded by this. Collin tsked.

"Who else would he give it to?" he asked. Those red eyes flicked to the silent man beside the bed. His hands holding down the small body as it arched against the medicine his mother poured down his throat.

"He's going to need..." She began. The smell of blood filled the room. Mori stood backing away as Lucifer came up beside the bed. He pressed the open wound in his wrist to the boy's mouth. The woman counted to ten. Gently, she pushed the vampires arm away. She pressed a cloth to it.

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