Family weekend

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"The little shit actually did it." The man looked up at the school sign as he drew the last bit from the sweet smelling cigarette in his hand. His blond hair blew around his triangular face in the soft breeze.

The curved metal sign hung above the open gates. Samhain Hunter's Institute _or training. The f was missing. So the schools initials as they hung above each other spelled out Shit. Xavier laughed.

"Should have known he would be the one." He chuckled as he tossed away the butt of his weed smoke. The man beside him glared softly at the other.

"I heard he cheated. Used the dragon." Ozzie muttered.

"You do know Mori is half dragon, and he didn't last this long!" Xavier snorted. Ozzie drew in a breath.

"Should we wait?" he asked, glancing back at the crowd of people making their way through the wrought-iron gates. Xavier snorted.

"My guess is dear old Reginald is already inside." He turned away from the crowd when he spotted the van with all the antennas on it pull up. Ozzie let out a soft groan following the slim figure inside. The crowd pushed them along, neither one opposed it.

"Hey, it's here!" Coldar cried as Nagisa leaned against the tree. He chuckled at the delight in the werewolf eyes.

"Aren't you overly happy!" Nagisa chided.

"Mom is going to come." He smirked.

"Hey, there you are!" Collin waved as he came down the walk.

"Where is..." He began before his eyes grew large. His auburn head tilted upwards. This was the only warning the half vampire had.

The small body dove, knocking Coldar away as he rolled up to one knee. His fangs dropping into place as his eyesight became sharper. The dagger was held tightly in one hand. He swung it up to block the blade coming from his head.

Using his entire body, Nagisa shoved the older vampire back. Mori staggered but didn't go down. He kicked, trying to knock the smaller body away. Nagisa couldn't use his hands to block the blow as he was doing all he could to keep the blade from touching his throat. He brought his leg up, allowing the other's kick to strike him.

Using that momentum, Nagisa pushed away from his sibling. He rolled over, leaping to his feet. He watched as the long coat Mori had on fanned out like bat wings. His silver hair was pulled back in a high ponytail. The gold undertones were highlighted in the sunlight. He struck fast, not giving the younger boy any room to think.

Nagisa didn't waste his breath. He knew Mori wouldn't stop. He spun, ducking low he came at the taller figure from beneath him. Mori jumped in an attempt to dodge the small missile. Nagisa was ready for this. Springing into a cartwheel, he used the strength from both his arms as well as his legs to propel him skyward. His foot caught the shocked vampire in the arm as he crossed his arms to protect his chest. The combatants fell to the ground. The crowd was already forming around them. A reporter stood with a cameraman filming the entire exchange.

Nagisa didn't stop moving. He launched a series of spinning attacks on his elder sibling. Kicking and punching, he pushed the vampire back. The crowd ebbed away from them. Mori stopped his advancement by digging in his heels. He sprang forward with the roar of his dragon ancestors. A slight smoke flame came out of him as the teen was shoved only a few steps away.

"Hey, what do you think..." Ryu shouted as he came across the two fighting. Suddenly, he wasn't free to move forward.

Glancing down, he saw the shaggy brown head of the werewolf vampire clutching one arm. The blond nymph vampire was on his other arm. Jet black hair framed the pricing red eyes of the full vampire, who placed a restraining hand on his chest. He could feel an arm around his waist.

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