Eye of the storm

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“We just let an insane person cook up some potion to force Marcus to drink it?” Xavier was leaning against the wall in the dining area of the apartment. He eyed the other members who weren’t engaged in a task.

Krystal was examining the wound on the alpha werewolve’s shoulder. Nagisa stood at her side with some fresh bandages. The rest of the pack, six members in total, surrounded them. Coldar was sitting on the arm of the couch next to his brother, who had Carter between him and Cami. Lucifer was seated on the floor, his back pressed to the wall as Ozzie slept with his head in the others lap. Collin watched from the table next to Rivile. Ripley sat next to her husband, oblivious to what was going on around her, once more. Reginald blocked the doorway to his son’s room.

Marcus was breathing but still asleep. Lily had been given something to help her sleep as well. Faraday held the newborn baby who had filled himself on his mother’s milk and was asleep, too. Moon, moon was beside Hari in the over sized arm chair. The little girl’s head kept bouncing off her aunts shoulder until she fell asleep.

Fenn looked up at Xavier. He sat next to Mori. The silent dragon vampire had Wryvern at his side. The white dragon smiled at the stoic look on the other’s face. Benji was seated between his sons as he watched Nagisa.

“What do you think she did?” Benji asked.

“I’m sure it was nothing that will hurt him.” Rivile offered.

“Nagisa is an interesting sort.” Benji smiled at the boy.

“Yeah, he is.” Ryu played with a candle stick holder that sat before him.

“What’s the plan now?” Collin asked.

Before anyone could answer, there was a knock on the door. Reginald glanced between the sedated Ripley and the portal. Nagisa saw his fathers hesitation. He laid the bandages on the back of the couch above the alpha. Walking to the door, he pulled it open. A woman stood there. All the half vampire noted was that she was barely a head taller than he was. Her green hair was the color of seaweed. It was the person behind her that caught the vampire witch’s attention.

“I came to inform Master...” The woman began to speak.

“Leon?” Nagisa was shocked to see his friend standing behind the short female. His head was bowed as he hadn’t seen the vampire in the doorway. Leon lifted his mismatched eyes to face Nagisa. Both boys spoke at the same time.

“What are you doing here?” they said. Realizing what the other said, they answered each other.

“I live here.” Nagisa stated while Leon explained.

“My parents work for the family.” They stopped talking as they eyed each other.

Nagisa burst out laughing. It was a short sound as he was amazed to see the other boy. He knew his father employed many elves, faries, or other magical creatures to keep the castle running.

“It’s good to see you. We could use another fighter.” Nagisa offered stepping back to allow the pair inside.

“Nagisa, you know him?” his father asked.

“Yeah, we go to school together.” Nagisa offered. “He’s top in his combat training class.” He added.

“Good.” Reginald let his eyes fall to the woman.

“How stands the security?” he demanded.

“We have the gargoyles patrolling the barrior. Without the Duke, we can not repair the damage to the magic used to keep others out. It was Romanari blood...” She offered, not looking around the room.

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