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"Was that wise?" The voice was cold. It made Nagisa shiver to hear it as he came to consciousness.

"Well, there was no way the elves would lift that dome to let the others in." Reginald sounded, not defeated, but cautionary.

"You sent his boyfriend away." Marcus' new cold tone frightened Nagisa. That was before the words made since.

"Ryu?" Nagisa muttered the name as he sat up.

A cool hand touched his forehead. "Relax." Cami whispered.

Nagisa shoved the hand away. He looked around the room. The tall hunky dragon hadn't come to him when he called out his name. Instead, Carter, Collin, and Coldar shifted to block his view of the rest of his family. Xavier was repeatedly punching the wall.

"What's going on?" Nagisa demanded.

"Our father had an insight." Marcus spat out. His tone did nothing for the chill seeping into the teen's body.

Nagisa shoved into Collin, who wrapped his arms around him. The full vampire was using all his might to hold back his cousin. Coldar joined him, laying his hands upon Nagisa's shoulders.

"We need information." Reginald stated.

Nagisa felt his knees give out. The words of the terrified girl in the truck reverberated through him. Ryu, Leon, Fenn. They had been on the outside of the dome. No, he wouldn't... Nagisa shook his head to dispell the thought.

"He did." Marcus confirmed the half vampire's fear.

"He sent them out as soon as he learned where the base was set up." Marcus added. His arms were folded over a more defined chest than Nagisa recalled his brother having. He blinked.

No, it wasn't that. Marcus never wore fighting gear like that. Not during all the times he trained Nagisa, not on any of their outings. This was the gear he hunted in. A black leather chest plate hung over his shoulders. It was fastened along his side in easy to cut through rawhide lacing. His pants were flexible cloth. They gave him room to use the full extent of his legs. The bejeweled sword of his mother was in a sheath on his back. The twin daggers were housed along his waist in a leather belt. Nagisa was sure he had more weapons than the vampire could see.

"They, they couldn't get back in." Nagisa twisted away from his cousin and Coldar.

He went to where Xavier was slowly blooding up the wall. Already, the half siren had his knuckles split open. Nagisa understood his frustration. His boyfriend was out there as well. Gently, as Xavier went to punch the same stone once more, Nagisa caught his hand. He pulled the lethargic vampire away from the wall. Setting his brother down in a chair, Nagisa set to work cleaning the wound. It was something he could do to take his mind off of what was going out beyond their secluded bubble.

It felt like hours after Nagisa bandaged up Xavier that they all sat around. Krystal made them eat. It was silent. They didn't look at each other. Marcus took care of his family. The girl from the truck seemed to only like being near Krystal. She followed her around, shrinking away from the "monsters." Nagisa finally asked her what her name was.

"Em, Emily." She gasped out.

"Nice to meet you, Emily." Nagisa introduced himself. He didn't bother with overloading her fragile mind with the other's names.

Again, they wait set in. Some dozed, and others cleaned their weapons. The wolves huddled near their alpha, and Ozzie rested as his leg healed. Marcus and Mori were engaged in lazy combat blows with each other. This was to keep their muscles warmed for the next bout of fighting. Then, they heard it...

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