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Back in their room, it was a week until family weekend. Nagisa was sitting cross-legged on the floor, weaving together a garment. Ryu was doing some core strengthening workout. He currently didn’t have a shirt on. The door burst open. Ryu dropped from the plank he had been holding.

“One minute thirty-four seconds.” Nagisa informed him.

“Damn cover them muscles hot stuff!” Collin complained, tossing a shirt that was on the desk chair at the dragon. Coldar winked.

“He loves (here he rolled his eyes while exaggerating the word) chest muscles.” The werewolf said.

“Yeah I got that, the way he touches you all the time.” Ryu snorted.

“Jelly you can't touch Naggie like that?” Collin asked, dropping into the desk chair. He had the back between his legs as he folded his arms over it. Ryu looked away. Neither he nor Nagisa saw the vampire and werewolf exchange knowing smirks.

“One more week, think you can hold out?” Collin asked Nagisa instead.

“With Ryu around, yeah.” The pink and blue head lifted. He pointed to the desk. “It’s in there. Akara didn’t want it in her room any longer.” He said.

“Yeah, they have been searching the vampire dorm rooms on a random basis as of late.” Collin frowned.

Nagisa was talking while his hands continued to weave the pattern in the fabric. “I wonder why?” he stated.

“Ask daddy Reggie!” Collin hissed. Nagisa laughed.

“You know he will murder you if he hears you calling him that again.” Nagisa chuckled. In the silence, a phone could be heard. Coldar pulled his out. He frowned at it.

“Dad, what…?” he asked before they all heard the frantic voice on the other end.

“Come home now, your mother…” his voice was drowned out.

“Need help?” Nagisa asked. Coldar shook his head as he took off. Collin had leapt to his feet. He watched the werewolf run off worriedly.

“You know about her episodes.” Nagisa said as gently as he could.

“I’m going to shower. Stay.” Ryu told the vampire.

“Woof!” Nagisa glared at him as he gathered his showering bag. Ryu walked out of the room.

Collin began to pace. It was something he did when he was worried. Nagisa looked up at him while his hands completed the remembered task. Collin was pulling on his lower lip as he walked a path back and forth before his cousin. He wasn’t seeing the small boy. Head bent, he watched only the floor pass below his feet.

“You like him.” Nagisa stated. Collin’s head jerked up.

“Wh, what?” he cried. Nagisa chuckled. Collin’s face flamed crimson.

“What makes you say that?” he demanded. Nagisa finished the garment. He took it off of his hand held loom. Tying the ends up, he set it aside.  Pulling his body up from the floor, he stretched.

“Colls, I’ve known you my entire life. We were raised as if we were twins.” Nagisa rubbed at his sore neck.

“I wish you had felt more secure in confiding in me.” He sounded only a little hurt.

“That I like Coldar?” Collin snorted, trying to pass off the remark as if it was a ludacris idea.

“That you were into guys.” Nagisa amended.

“That’s your thing!” Collin insisted. He hung his head, dropping to sit on the corner of the bed.

“I don’t like guys, Nagisa.” He stated, sounding mournful. “I just like him.” He clasped his hands together, watching them turn white.

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