The tale of the hunted hunter

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Reginald stood by the window, arms folded, he glared at the wolf in the bed. The boy’s mother was curled beside her son. She clutched his hand tightly after petting him, kissing him and bawling all over him. Marcus sat at his father’s side. Isaac and Krystal sat in chairs slightly behind the archivist. Coldar sat at the foot of the bed, his back leaning against Collin's torso. Nagisa sat beside Rivali Remington on the other side of the bed. They all looked to the fragile boy whose eyes flicked to the vampire at the door.

Carter was barely inside the room. He hung back, hiding behind all the others. It was as if he was terrified to get any closer to his lost friend. Race tried to meet his eyes. Falling to do so, but unable to get up out of the bed, he huffed.

“Carter, if you don’t get your ass over here, I ain’t talking.” He demanded. Before Carter could say a word, the door opened.

A disgruntled Ozzie was flung inside. Xavier and Faraday, right behind him. They both glared at the half werewolf vampire. Ozzie picked himself up from the floor.

“Why am I here?” he demanded. He spun on Carter. “He’s your friend.” He complained.

“Its because they wanted you, not me.” Race stated. Krystal turned to look at the man. Ozzie huffed as he sank to he floor. 

“Carter?” Race smirked. Carter flicked his eyes to the boy. He was surrounded by everyone. Race patted the bed between his legs.

“Come on, how gay do you think I am?” he demanded. Race laughed.

“Unless you came out while I was gone…I thought only your little brother here was gay.” He snickered. He grimaced as the jolting motion of laughing hurt his healing body.

Carter rushed forward. His hand found the shaking shoulders as the young man began to cough. “Easy, idiot.” He muttered. Race chuckled, drawing in a breath. He sat up.

“You came over.” He smirked. Carter sat beside his friend on the edge of the bed. Race glanced down at the sliver of bed that he was able to fit on.

“You vamps amaze me. I swear it’s true, you're half bat!” He chuckled.

“As soon as Race woke up this morning, he warned us about the danger Ozzie was in.” Krystal said. Race sighed.

“OK, here it goes…” He frowned.

“So, Carter got sick, he called me to take his placce on this hunt. We were going after this pack of rogue beings. It was said they were made up of turned werewolves, a few turned vampires, possible even some fey or demons were involved. It was going to take us a few weeks to track them. Then, we would be able to dispel them pretty quickly.  Ozzie was supposed to be one of the leaders. He stayed behind since Carter was so ill, family blood and all that…”

Race’s voice faded away as his story picked up. He was the only full werewolf here. There was a female full vampire, a dragon shifter, with two twin elves to make up the last of their party. Being the son of a blacksmith, Race was decked out. He had iron weapons, silver weapons, silver moon dust with pixie dust mixed in. Pretty much anything a hunter would need for this mission. His father gave him a sword, one Race had admired since he was a child.

The weapon had an iron handle, so the werewolf could easily weld it. The blade was folded iron sprinkled with silver dust, coated in dead man’s blood, then baked with silver oxide. A deadly weapon to nearly any race of supernatural being you could think of. He carried it strapped to his back.

They were on their second week when the vampire, Vanessa, discovered they weren’t alone. Seeing as they were hunting a rogue group, they wondered who was following them. One possibility was that the rogues had split up if they discovered they were being tracked. They left Vanessa to watch their back. Moving forward, they sent out a request for backup.

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