One long night

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Nagisa began to sing. Carter eyed his young brother. He knew that song. As he watched, Nagisa’s hands began to glow slightly. Carter’s mouth fell open. Nagisa was indeed part witch. The older Romanari drew in a breath. He matched Nagisa’s tone, blending their voices together. Carter saw the glow cover his brother's hands, brighten.

The werewolf was cleaned from the dirt on him.  Under the lights, his condition looked far worse. Scrapes, old scars, fresh wounds, or welts could be seen all over his emancipated body. He was so thin that one could count his ribs poking through his chest. Nagisa was slowly moving his healing hand over the fresh cuts. He started with the deepest one, a knife wound. One that had taken a lot out of the small vampire. His brow was covered in sweat.

The door burst open. Krystal began to bark orders to everyone, while the boy worked so hard to save the life of the unconscious wolf. After giving out instructions, she moved to her son’s side. Her hands closed over his. Her own voice swelled with the power of her craft as she too sang.

Akara had accompanied them back to the small room. She set to work, assisting where she could. Carter grabbed Coldar’s shirt, dragging the teen out of the room. Collin had to help as the young wolf fought to stay at his brother’s side.

“Coldar, you will be hurting him if you stay!” Collin cried. It was the only words that seemed to have any effect on the stunned teen.

Once outside in the hall, Carter began to pace. “Where has he been? How did he get in this condition?” he pondered as he rubbed at his chin.

“Mom.” Coldar whispered. Carter lifted his eyes to the teen. He placed one hand on each of the boy’s shoulders.

“I’ll go get them. Have they gone home, or are that at the banquet?” he asked.

“Th, they were going to the banquet.” Coldar stammered. Carter was gone with one brief, stay here.

“He’s going to be ok. Aunt Krystal is the best. She’s been treating all of us for years.” Collin tried to comfort his friend.

“She couldn’t heal Marcus completely.” Coldar pointed out.

“She was also still learning then.” Colin muttered.

Out in the crowd, Carter darted around in search of the Remington’s. Reginald saw him. He moved to get his attention only to have Carter not even see him. The blond boy dashed away. Cami caught at her brother’s arm a moment later. Before either could say anything, Carter saw the couple he had been searching for. He broke free of his sister with a quick turn of his arm.

Dashing forward, he came up to the Remington’s. Ripley Remington let out a startled squeal at seeing him. Her husband quickly pressed her small form behind his bulk.

“Carter, I…” the blacksmith began.

“Race!” Carter yelled to shut him up.

“Carter!” his father tried to reel in his son. The boy ignored him, only now understanding just how Nagisa had been able to deal with the man all these years.

“He is alive!” Carter cried out. “Mom is working on him now. Nagisa is helping her. He just appeared!” Carter couldn’t hold back his emotions any longer. The tears sprang from his eyes.

“Please. RACE IS ALIVE!” He all but yelled at the wolf couple.

“My god.” Coldar’s father breathed out.

“Come on!” Carter grabbed the thick wrist of the wolf. His twin thrust a handkerchief into his hand as they all dashed back through the crowd.

Carter quickly tried to clean the blood tears off of his face. He was sure he looked a freight to anyone who saw him. Cami had taken his free arm. She guided him through the campus as he kept his head down. The brush of the door opening had him lifting his head.

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