The demon witch

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“Are they trying to bring down the mountain!?” Griffin snarled as the rocks shook around him.

“My guess...” Nagisa began. His eyes flicked toward his friends. Before they could say anything more, the thought was spoken out loud.

“Xavier.” Lucifer nodded.

Griffin growled out a string of explicit curses. He flung himself against a doorway as the tunnel they were in shook again.

“That idiot is going to kill us!” He growled.

“Xav, take it easy on the mountain, we’re still inside.” Nagisa spoke softly, yet the tone in which he used raised the hairs on the back of the wolves. A soft hissing semeed to answer him. The vampires smiled.

“You should only feel the Shockwave. Have Leon secure the rocks if needed.” Xavier replied. Nagisa glanced up. Immediately, he could tell the others hadn’t understood. He repeated Xavier’s words.

“Like I hadn’t thought of that!” Leon snarled as tendrils of vines were already forming over the rocks.

“We need to keep...”Griffin was interrupted.

“Give us the vampire wolf.” A man stepped out of the shadows.

He was a little on the short side, maybe five feet eight to ten inches. His large nose protruded out of his face as he sniffed at the air. Nagisa tried not to laugh. Collin couldn’t hold it in, he chuckled. Another man stepped up to the first. This one held a gun.

“What are you going to do with that? It’s not like you could actually hit any of us!” Coldar snorted.

“The tunnels are narrow. There’s no room for you to... ahh!” He screamed as the vampire dropped out of the ceiling.

Lucifer ripped the gun out of his hand. His fangs down, he sneered at the man. The human dropped back, but the turned vampire reached for Lucifer. His hand didn’t come into contact with him. Instead, he was flung against the wall. Two teen vampires stood before him, each one had their fangs out as they protected their brother.

“What, how did you move that fast?” The man gasped. Nagisa kept his position beside Collin as Lucifer turned to eye his brother.

“We aren’t turned.” The teen pointed out.

“Luc, we need to go.” Collin glanced back.

The human was entangled in vines. “No!” Nagisa shot forward.

His claws racked over the fleeing vampire.  Mori was going to scold him for this. Never take your eyes off of your opponent! He went to run after him, but a steel vice trapped his arm.  Blood red eyes bore into his. Lucifer shook his head.

“He won’t get far. He is running right at them.” He snorted.

“But Mori is in the sky with Ryu.” Nagisa pointed out.

Lucifer looked down the long tunnel. His nostrils flared as he caught the scent. He growled, releasing his brother. Another fight was starting. They couldn’t worry about the rouge just yet.

“Blind him!” Nagisa pointed to the human.

“What? Seriously?” Leon scoffed.

“Not permanently, cover his eyes with leaves or something!” Nagisa demanded.

Another Mori rule, don’t leave someone behind who can convey your fighting ability. This human was definitely on the wrong side. Leon shrugged. Soon, the man’s face was covered in green, only his nose stuck out to allow him to breathe.  That was the last of their time.

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