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"Cami, we need to get them upstairs." Marcus called as he came calmly into the front room. He blinked at seeing two new people there.

"My son.." A large, broad chested man gestured toward the air. Marcus had to blink as he tried to think.

"The dragon, yes he..." Marcus began.

"Went back out there." Wyvern offered. Marcus felt useless as his youngest siblings' friend took up the fight he should be spearheading.

"Cater, go." He nodded to his brother.

"I can't leave you alone with just Cami." Carter argued.

"Hey, I may not be able to walk, but I can still hold a sword." Race pointed out.

Carter unsheathed the one at his side. He was about to hand it to the injured wolf. Race laughed. The cane he used to walk with was raised up. As the boy pressed a button, a wicked looking metal blade came out of the end.

"Don't forget who my father is." Race chuckled. Carter nodded.

"I will stay to help." Wryvern turned to the stout man, his green gold eyes flashing with worry.

"Dad..." he began. The man looked at his eldest son.

Wyvern tilted his head slightly. "He needs you." He whispered as he slipped an arm around the werewolve's waist.

Beni Queensire had been a good father. He loved his sons like no other. He was proud of the men they had become. He knew it hurt Ryu how hard it was for him to look upon the boy. Ryu looked so much like his mother, that just a glance sent pain shooting through the older dragons heart. Now, Ryu was heading out to fight a danger they didn't know. He was a good fighter in the ring, but what was he capable of doing out there.

"I need to help him. He needs to know I still love him!" Benji nodded to his son. He turned to go to the door. At the door, he transformed into a large red dragon. His form was noticeably smaller than his sons, but the resemblance in their dragon forms was uncanny.

"Let's go." Wryvern told Race. Carter glanced at them.

"Carter, where's Ozzie!" A cry came from the door. Carter nearly laughed at the sight.

His elder brother was seated on the back of a centaur. The wild black hair flying about as they had just ran to a stop.

"He is beyond the barrior." Carter gave a quick hug to his twin as he bolted to his brother. Xavier pulled him to the horse's back. They were running again.

"Let's go." Cami insisted. She helped Ripley Remington to her feet. Together, they began the long walk up to Marcus' apartment suite.

Outside, Mori took in the fight below him. It was more than he thought. Ozzie was prone to exageration, he felt betrayed slightly that today wasn't the case. The weapon in his hand was launched at a muscular beast of a werewolf. The silver coated blade barely scratched it as the wolf ripped it out of his chest to fling aside. What were these things made of? The dragon shifter wondered.

"What the hell is that thing?" a voice called from below him. Mori angled his attack.

Mori dove, wings whipping behind them, to strike the truck that was closest to running over the wolves who appeared to be with his brother. The truck hit a mound of dirt lifting one side. Using this, the strong vampire dragon easily flipped it to its side.

"I am not a thing, but hell has no place for me." They informed the occupant driving the truck.

Before moving on to another attacker, Mori made sure to demolish the engine. This truck wouldn't reach his family. He heard Ozzie cry out a warning. In wolf form, the vampire couldn't communicate with anyone but those from his pack. Luckily for Mori, as with the rest of their siblings, Ozzie had taught them all ways to communicate with him. Mori sprang back to the air.

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