Another one

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Several days later, Ryu was walking back from hiding in the library. He hadn't seen Nagisa all day. At one point, he ran into Collin, who shouted about Nagisa going to the store. Ryu had no idea what he meant. He couldn't ask further as the vampire had dashed away. It was the first weekend after classes had started.

Now, the dragon shifter wondered campus, feeling unrest. He was itching for something. Sighing, he stopped to look up at the crescent moon. In the silence, he heard a sound. It chilled him to the bone because he knew immediately what it was... Nagisa's fighting cry! Ryu had heard it enough during combat training. He began to run.

There was a new feeling flitting through his body. He felt his heart rate increase quicker than normal. His body felt like he was running through sludge he couldn't get it to move faster. The sounds of the fight seemed to surround him, but he couldn't get to them fast enough. The next cry sent a chill along his spine. Nagisa screaming out in pain.

Dark shadows zoomed over the ground. Ryu rounded the corner. The fear he felt intensified as he saw three men holding the small pink and blue haired teen. The fourth had used claws to cut apart the clothes the teen was wearing. Nagisa's discolored face was highlighted by the rays of the moon. The blood, cuts, and other marks, marking his skin, infuriated the dragon shifter. The words the abusers were yelling filtered into Ryu's brain.

"... be his first!"

"... rip him apart from the inside!"

"Filthy little halfling is only good to force your cock into!"

"Let's hear him scream for real!"

The man between Nagisa's legs were forcing them wider apart. Ryu couldn't contain the emotions swelling in him. He roared. It didn't come out in a human's voice. The deep rumbling cry tore free from him. The blasting sound rattled the windows. Ryu had heard enough.

He was moving again. His body felt both heavier and lighter than ever. He felt a power surge through him. Running forward he swiped out with his arm. The claw sliced into the only being that hadn't moved out of shear terror. With his dick in his hand the werewolf's face was a mask of freight.

"So, they really can change." A deep voice spoke behind the dragon.

"Too bad he didn't realize this alleyway is too small for him."

"Ever rape a dragon?" the taunts came. Ryu ignored them.

He scooped up the being still between Nagisa's legs. He flung him down the alley like a bowling ball. His friends jumped out of the way. One landed on a dumpster near the dragons head. He opened his mouth to call out another taunt. He didn't get the chance. The huge head slammed into his chest. He was crushed against the building behind him.

"Ryu?" The pain in that voice tore at the dragon's heart. He couldn't help him just yet. Right now, he knew he needed to keep the other two back. They were facing him at the end of the long corridor.

"Be careful, or you might just hurt the little freak." One cried. The pair were stalking forward.

"I would run if I were you." Nagisa gasped out as he tried to move. Ryu tried to tell him to stay still, but the only thing that came out of his mouth was a rumbling sound. He blinked. He couldn't figure it out yet. He spun to face the approaching duo.

"What is going on here?" a new voice asked.

"Stay out of this pretty boy." One of the werewolf's muttered half turning.

"Ah well..." The new person swung around a pole to leap up over the wolves. His golden yellow hair flowing around his head like an angel's halo.

"...I would, but you see, I'm bored." He stated. His booted foot kicked out. It connected to the wolf closest to him.

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