The return

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Ryu left once Cami showed him how to get out of the castle. Collin and Coldar forced Nagisa to change into something more him. They couldn’t take looking at the stoic uninteresting clothes the teen was wearing. Cami, Carter, Collin, and Coldar spent the day and night with Nagisa in the huge castle they had grown up in. It was Coldar’s first time there, so they had fun playing hide and seek with him before showing him the hidden passages.

They decided to leave Tuesday in the late afternoon to head hack to school. Since none of them had any luggage, they wanted Nagisa to show them how he managed to always run the trek between the castle and school. Yet, stepping out into the sunlight, showed that Reginald had been keeping tabs on his youngest children. A car sat before them. The driver opened the back door as soon as they stepped out.

“Well, why not. Dad did keep everyone away for a few days.” Nagisa stated.

“Have a good rest of term. We will see you for the winter break.” Cami hugged Nagisa before moving to Collin. Coldar was about to step around them, but the vampire witch snagged his arm.

“Un, uh, you’re a part of this now!” Cami chuckled, hugging the werewolf. She drew back after a moment.

“You don’t smell so bad.” She smirked. He huffed.

“I’m not a dog!” He cried. She giggled. Nagisa looked to Collin, who made an odd face. Cami wasn’t usually so touchy feelly with anyone who wasn’t part of the family.

“Go, we will see you in a few months.” She smiled, stepping back. Nagisa waved, getting in the car first. Collin was next, then Coldar. Nagisa sat facing the pair.

“Alright, we need a serious discussion.” Collin said once the castle was behind them.

“Yeah, I’d say. Some code to know when I’m not to be around you two?” Nagisa asked.

“What? No, we will let you know if we are on a date or whatever. Any other time, it will be just like always.” Coldar waved a hand to silence the teen.

“So, we are dating?” Collin asked. Coldar shot him a dark look. The vampire chuckled, holding up his hands.

“Just want it on record, dude chill!” He chuckled, ruffling the blond locks of the werewolf.

“Yes, asshat!” Coldar shoved the vampires' hand away. “We are dating once you actually ask me out!” He huffed.

“Princess!” Collin snorted, leaning back. They both turned their gaze to Nagisa.

“OK, now the elephant in the room…” Coldar began.

“You’re feelings on Ryu?” Collin asked.

Nagisa hung his head. He picked at the nail beds on his hands. They had turned raw, healed, and he had picked them raw again. It was something he did when he was nervous or had a huge decision to make. The others had ignored it  for the time they spent together. He let out a huff of breath.

“I, I don’t know.” Nagisa whispered. He reached up to the scale he used to wear. This was another nervous habit, but the necklace wasn’t there any longer since he returned it to its owner.

“I feel comfortable with him.” Nagisa began. He let his two toned eyes turn to watch the world sliding past the window.

“When he let me share his room, I felt safe, at peace in a way I never thought about at the time. I like seeing him. I mean, he is so huge and ….”

“Safe?” Collin offered. Nagisa let his hand fall back down to his lap.

“Yeah.” He turned his tormented eyes to the others.

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