Singing the way home

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Nagisa watched his brother hit the ground, his vibrant eyes clouded over. He screamed the name Xavier had. They both raced toward the fallen vampire. Nagisa was faster than the half nymph, second fastest only to the man on the ground before him.

"He's dead. I stopped his heart with this. No amount of blood will revive him!" the professor Leon had tangled up in his vines gloated.

"Stopped his heart?" Nagisa glared at the man. His arms slashed down.

He had used much of his ability. He was running on fumes, but Aradia was so close, surley he could siphen just a bit more power. His body flashed with the electricity running along his veins.

"Good thing I'm a born defibrillator!" Nagisa cried.

He hit the ground beside his brother as Xavier struck out at the professor. "He has already killed your rouge lover!" Xavier snarled as he slit the man's throat.

"Go to hell." He added tossing the body aside.

Nagisa ripped open Lucifer's shirt. He yelled for everyone to get back. Placing his hands, one on top of the still chest, the other on the side, Nagisa sent the electricity soaring between his hands. The body on the ground jerked. Mori landed, calling for Nagisa to tell him what was going on.

Nagisa ignored the cry from his teacher. He pushed the sound out of his head. He had one thing to do now, save a life. This was one of the real reasons Nagisa often went with his mother to watch her deliver babies. How many had he saved due to what only he was capable of? Now, it mattered more to him than ever.

He sent another jolt through the stopped heart. He cried out, felling the darkness coming. He wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. He didn't need to. He was with his family. They would get him home. The third time he sent the jolt through his brother's heart, he felt it. The soft beat that followed his power. Lucifer shifted slightly as he drew in a breath. Nagisa was able to remain conscious long enough to see the chest raise, fall, and then rise once more. With that, he gave up the power born within his blood.

Falling to land with his head on Lucifer's chest, Nagisa passed out. Mori moved to pick him up.

"We don't have time for that, the alpha, Ozzie's brother is dying!" Xavier cried.

"Nagisa?" Mori was torn for half a heartbeat.

He was shoved aside by a red wing as a dragon swooped down. The long, dangerous talons carefully picked up the two unconscious Romanari's. Ryu roared as he soared upward once more. The girl on his back looked worridly toward her brother. Mori transformed. He swung out to grab the wounded alpha.

"Get home!" He ordered Xavier.

"We should bring the rest of the mountain down first." Xavier shrugged.

"Our pack is in there." One of the wolves pointed out. She had a firey look in her eye as she challenged Xavier.

"Not any longer." Leon's voice was heavy with exhaustion. He stood beside a beat-up truck.

"What did you do?" Xavier asked. Fenn trotted up beside him.

"I forced it to run. The pack are still unconscious, but I got them all out." Leon gestured toward the truck.

"Alright, get them back to the castle." Xavier demanded.

He caught Fenn's shoulder as he swung up to land on the horse body. Fenn laughed, tossing up what remained of the grenades he had. Silas led his group of wolves out of the tree line.

"Was that Griffin?" he asked, face pale.

"He was injured." Leon stated.

"Don't worry, they will get him back safely." Xavier was gone a moment later.

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