A dark turn

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Coldar felt Collin leave his back. They had gotten through the barrier. His father was beside him as they ran to a halt. Suddenly, there came the cry, Carter was injured. He had fallen to the ground or would have if his father hadn't caught him. But there was so much more going on now. Three beasts had gotten through. How was that possible? Collin told him you needed Romanari blood to pass through the barrier.

A large truck shot through behind the fallen vampire. Reginald glanced back, seeing the tip of a giant spear pointed at him. It dripped with his son's blood. Before the vampire could move to protect anyone else, a gun went off. There was a thud, a cry of pain, before Ozzie fell to the ground. Under his alpha mother, no one could tell if he was breathing. A roar filled the skies.

"No." Reginald glanced up at the only member of his children that could actually fly. Mori had just seen his brother fall.

It had been years since Marcus had gotten hurt. Reginald had been out that day. Sometimes, being around his children was draining to him. His relationship with Krystal had come to an end only a few short months after she found out she was pregnant once more. He had left her with the children.

She had guessed pretty quickly why he had gone. He went out to find another to share his bed. He hated being alone. He hated that he needed someone next to him to sleep. Hated that those he had chosen had proved poor substitutes to his one true love. Krystal had been the closest to her. She was smart, firce, and dangerously protective of what she considered hers. She had taken a liking to all of his children. Maybe that was why she did what she did, sterilizing him that way.

That night, the night of Nagisa's birth, Reginald had come home to find his life forever changed. His beloved first son, the heir to all that was what he credited, was hurt. Marcus would never be whole again. He wouldn't be the man his father had raised him to be. Little Mori had stood as his brother's protector then. The young half vampire had taken up the mantel, his eldest brother left vacant. Mori became the protector.

"Mori." Reginald breathed out the name.

"Get them inside!" Xavier bellowed. He yanked Carter out of their father's arms. The nymph was pointing to the other wolves.

Reginald spun, lifting both his son and fromer partner itno his arms. One glance at Mori told the tale that no one would be able to calm that blood lust. Those who had injured his family had awoken a beast they didn't understand. Reginald yelled for the wolves to get to the castle. He ordered Collin to follow him.

Mori was hell on earth. The vampire dragon threw his head back as he cried out the pain within him. He turned blood red eyes toward the truck that held the person who had hurt his brother. His maw falling open, he breathed out the fire of the dragon within. It wasn't your typical dragon fire.

Mori was half vampire. The blood fire he breathed out was deadly to anything it came in contact with. The truck dissolved under the droplets. The human body parts it touched were vaporized swiftly. Mori himself was a one man army as he tore apart the beast that dared get in his way.

Ryu swung to watch his back as Benji flipped over his son. He lent his own flame to that of the enraged vampire dragon. They burned the ground around the two beasts. Ryu realized one had gotten past them. He spun around in mid-air as he heard his brother's warning cry. The thing was falling from an upper window. The red dragon snatched it up in his jaws, grinding it in two with his teeth before dropping it to the ground.

"Mori is going rouge!" Marcus cried. The pain in his body forcing him down.

"Not if I can help it!" Nagisa was dashing toward the window.

The young vampire stopped only briefly to frisk Marcus. Of course, he would know where the archivist carried his weapons. Nagisa pulled the sliver sword free.

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