Nagisa's escape

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There was a groaning sound. Nagisa tried to ignore it. He wanted to sleep more. His pillow moved. Then he heard a soft voice whisper.

“Oh shit!” Nagisa raised his head. He was about to grab his pillow from Carter when he saw bright golden eyes looking up at him. The pink blush crept up the face of his friend. Nagisa bolted upright, shoving himself back against the wall.

“WHAT ARE YOU…?” He noted his nakedness! “What the hell happened?” he demanded.

Ryu sat up, and he flinched as pain hit his entire body at the same time. He tried to stand anyway to give Nagisa space. His knees buckled. Reaching out, he attempted to catch himself on the chair. Instead, arms encircled his chest. Nagisa’s healing face peered up at him. The half vampire pushed him back into the bed.

“You transformed last night.” Nagisa recalled. Ryu slouched against the headboard.

“Everything fucking hurts.”  He muttered. Nagisa backed up. He glanced over the dragon’s body. Without a shirt on, Ryu looked, interesting. Nagisa decided. His chest was strong, broad with rippled abs. The v that lead down into the dark pants was inviting to look at. This massive body was a work of art. He couldn’t stop his hand from reaching out.

Just in the nick of time, Nagisa saw the marks on the dragon’s flesh. He traced one. Ryu flinched. Nagisa drew his hand back. He bent lifting the large heavy legs up. Once he had him back in bed, Nagisa flung the covers over him.

“Rest. I’ll be right back.” He said. Ryu caught his wrist before he could take more than half a step.

“You need to get dressed.” He stated. Nagisa glanced down at himself. He had on tight red speedos and nothing else.

“Yeah.” He scratched his head. “Was I dreaming or was Cami here?” he asked as he went to his closet.

“Yeah, she was here.” Ryu informed him. He turned his head away to mutter, “Along with her douche of a twin.” Nagisa laughed.

“You met Carter? Ah he isn’t that bad, when he isn’t trying to be “the man”.  He smirked. His eyes saw the F laying on his ripped clothing. Nagisa turned away. He slipped a heavy green sweater on and some black leggings. His feet were thrust into sneakers as he watched the dragon.

“Well, I punched him. What he was saying about you…” Ryu said.

“Wait? You punched Carter?” Nagisa demanded.

“So what if I did. You going to unpunch him for me?” Ryu smirked at the thought as Nagisa tied a belt around his waist.

“Where?” he asked instead.

“Right there.” Ryu pointed to where Carter had been standing when he hit him. Nagisa shook his head.

“No where on his body?” He demanded.

“His mouth.” Ryu said. Nagisa glared at him. “What? He deserved it.” Ryu said. Nagisa chuckled.

“Yeah maybe. He sort of has a mouth on him. I blame Cami. She babies him too much.” Nagisa put his hair back in a ponytail.

“I’m going to grab us food. You stay.” He demanded. Ryu grunted, closing his eyes. Nagisa smiled at that. He walked out into the hall. Akara was talking with Collin at the end of the hall. Nagisa walked up.

“Well, you don’t look too bad.” Collin said.

“Yeah, Romanari blood.” Nagisa waved a hand. “Ryu is in a lot of pain. I’m going to get some food. Do you mind seeing if mom is around? I’m sure she would have something for the pain.” He looked up at his cousin.

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