Cry on the night

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Nagisa led the way to another door. Once he opened it, a hallway appeared behind it. Ryu watched as Nagisa walked down the short hall to another open space. This had fewer doors off of it. Three lined the wall across from them, while only two were on this side of the hall. Nagisa glanced up at Ryu as they reached the first closed door. He sighed.

“The room Akara just took used to be mine.” He said as he opened the door to the spare room.

“Mom made dad open this wing up for my business. It had been closed for ... well, it's been a very long time.” Nagisa turned away.

“Hey, are you ok?” Ryu asked. Nagisa gave him a twisted smile.

“Yeah, it’s just... home.” He shrugged, walking across the hall to his room. He stepped in, seeing that the maids had cleaned, or more like his mom, since he had scared the maids the last time. He yelled at them for losing his client’s order. Now they were a bit bitchy about coming near his rooms.

He was just taking off his shirt to change when a scream echoed through the castle. Nagisa paused. A long loud wolf call came from outside. It was far away, beyond the barrier.

“Ozzie!” Nagisa whispered. He yanked his shirt back down as he pulled the dagger from his bag. He had just enough sense to grab one last bag before dashing out.

Rivali Remington stood in the hall, Carter was near Race as Coldar dashed out with Collin behind him. They all looked at each other.

“That was a werewolf in distress.” Rivali stated. The first cry echoed again.

“It’s Ozzie, he is beyond the border.” Nagisa glanced around.

“Lilly!” Cami glanced upwards toward the floors where Marcus had his own family suit.

“We need to get mom here.” Nagisa did the math quickly. Carter wouldn’t leave Race, Cami wouldn’t leave either of them. Collin would need to help Ozzie...

“Ryu, my mother’s shop is in town.” He quickly gave the dragon a description of it.

 “Lily is going into labor. Akara, I will need your help. Carter, Cami watch Race and Mrs. Remington. Collin, take Coldar and Mr. Remington to go check on why Ozzie is calling for help.”

“Who left you in charge?” Carter demanded.

“Would you have done anything differently?” Nagisa yelled back.

“No, just go!” Carter yelled at everyone.

“Marcus?” Cami whispered the name.

“He can’t help us. You two need to make sure nothing gets into this castle until mom or dad get back.” Nagisa frowned.

“Where’s Mori, Xavier, hell Lucifer!” Cami cried.

“I’m right here.” The dark haired vampire appeared out of nowhere.

“Go with Collin!” all three of his siblings cried. Lucifer turned to nod to the young teen.

“Follow me, I know a short cut to the weapons vault.” Lucifer headed out at a pace only one with supernatural abilities could follow. Carter took Ryu, Cami, Race and Ripley to the front of the castle.

“Akara, let me carry you, we need to hurry.” Nagisa said. The witch nodded letting herself be picked up. There was a whoosh of air the drowned out all sound for her as the vampire took off.

They raced through the cold stone hallways. Akara had to close her eyes to keep the dizziness from affecting her stomach. She hid her face in Nagisa’s shoulder, slightly surprised at the vampire’s strength. It didn’t seem like it took any time at all before he slowed.

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