Time rages forward

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The huge form of what once had been a wolf or man, he wasn’t sure, lumbered out of the fog. It’s head twisted back as it cried out. As Nagisa watched, the thing beat at its own chest. The roped, rippling muscles thundered under the giant fists. Nagisa was sure one of those hands was the same size as his head. It didn’t matter. He was a Romanari. This was his home. He needed to defend it.

He swung upright charging at the thing in silence. The Sias were tucked into his belt as he felt his claws harden as they grew. He loved hand to hand combat. Catching one arm, Nagisa flipped up toward the large head. He kicked the thing in the snout. Before he could right himself for another attack, he was swatted away.

Flying through the air wasn’t unusual for him, not any more. Doing so against his will, that was different. He landed hard on one shoulder. The instant pain made him yelp. He bit back the cry, no need for his siblings to hear it. He rolled, dodging the huge feet, trying to stomp him into the ground. Nagisa knew he needed to get up.

Rolling once more to miss yet another foot, he grabbed hold of it as it drew back. Two beasts stood above him as one pulled him to his feet. Nagisa let go to swing around the blow that came from the one on his right. How was he going to get out of this? He was used to fitting alone or with Collin.

The thought of his cousin made him grind his teeth together. Collin was out there fighting just as hard as he was. He shook his head. Now wasn’t the time to worry. He had to assume that his family was doing OK. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be.

Kicking up, he leapt at the chest of the beast on his left. It tried to punch him out of the air. Nagisa caught its horn? Where had that come from? He chuckled as he kicked around its head. The punch hit the other beast who howled in anger. As he settled to the shoulder of the first beast, he watched the second turn to charge it. Nagisa leapt to the ground.

He remained squatting there as he watched the two beasts fighting each other. They were ripping the others' flesh off. How disgusting! Nagisa shook his head. He pondered on just letting them kill each other, but what would happen if they didn’t? Not wanting to risk either of them going after his family, he charged.

Once more, he leapt to one of their backs. He used the Sia to stab through the hard muscle into the beasts heart. It’s howl was cut short as blood purged into its airway. Nagisa was on its opponate before it hit the ground. Without the other beast to fight, this one was back to trying to rip Nagisa apart.

It knocked the Sia out of his hand. Nagisa didn’t have time to see where the weapon went. He heard a cry from behind him, the only warning he got. Spinning around the things head once more, Nagisa gripped both horns. He used his weight to drop down the things back, forcing the head up. It’s neck exposed, Nagisa felt someone cut the things throat.

Letting go, he rolled away, seeing the discarded Sia. He snatched it up. Arms caught at his waist. He was flung aside. Turning as he rolled back to his feet, Nagisa saw Marcus dodge out of the way of the falling beast. His brother was a blur of movement. Nagisa grinned. Never in his life had he seen something so fast, well aside from their father. Nagisa glanced around the field. The fog was nearly gone.

Trucks were chasing different members of his family. He saw one driving behind the two wolves. Nagisa bit back a growl when he discovered it was Race and Coldar. He sprang forward. The growl grew as he launched his body into the cab of the truck.

His legs wrapped around the neck of the gunnar. He twisted while still holding the edge of the window. He felt the neck snap. Humans were so weak! He let go, allowing his body to fall inside the truck. The driver screamed at him. Her face pale as she swiveled the wheel around. The truck jerked back.

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