Turning the tides

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“What do we know right now?” Griffin asked. His eyes darted to the silent shadow at his side. Lucifer didn’t seem to have heard him.

“They have wolves on steroids, or some chemical concoction that makes them super huge, super strong.” Nagisa informed him. His eyes often darted toward the skies.

“Anything else?” Griffin pushed.

“I don’t think all the humans want to be here. Emily didn't.” Nagisa added.

“She said the professor was looking for a cure, but she dosent know what.” He went on to replay his conversation with the scared girl.

“I see.” Griffin halted. They were near the peak of the mountain.

Lucifer had wondered a few yards away. He was poking at some bushes. Griffin sniffed the air. He frowned as he watched the vampire. Something came out of the bush. Lucifer leapt back. In one hand, he held a stick, in the other a long, thin white clad arm. The arm emerged from the bush as the vampire continued to pull back on it. A thin haired male’s head emerged. Wrinkled brow was creased with fear as he saw the assembled people.

“Who, who are you guys?” his voice was high, squeaky. Nagisa wasn’t sure if it was from fear or if it was his normal voice.

Griffin marched up to the man now dangling from Lucifer’s arm. He tilted his head slightly.

“Look at me.” He commanded. The man suddenly closed his eyes.

“No, I know about your sorcery!” He squawked. Nagisa chuckled.

“It’s compulsion, which wolves can’t do, but ok.” He snorted.

“Tell us what we wish to know, and we will let you go.” Griffin insisted.

“Sure, right over the cliff!” the man whined.

“I think they are scaring him even more.” Collin whispered. Nagisa lowered his voice so only the supernatural beings could hear him.

“Lucifer set him down, back away, but not too far. Griffin, stay close, let me talk to him. He is wounded.” Nagisa could smell the blood even if he couldn’t see it just yet.

Griffin shuffled back a few inches. Lucifer sighed but set the man on his feet. He moved to lean against a tree. Nagisa pulled his bag forward. He reached inside, drawing out some gauze.

“You’re wounded.” He stated, moving slightly closer.

The man peaked at him. Nagisa smiled. He did this to show he didn’t have fangs. If he pretended to be human, maybe this human would trust him better.

“I, I cut my arm...” The man twisted the other arm that Lucifer hadn’t held. Sure enough, there was a deep gash under the torn fabric of the lab coat he wore.

“Allow me to clean it. I can bandage it for you.” Nagisa offered.

The man was crying silently. Large tears fell from his face. “My, my daughter didn’t come back...” He whimpered.

“Is her name Emily?” Nagisa asked as he carefully drew the wounded arm out of the lab coat. The man nodded, bitting at his lip.

“She is safe. My mother is taking care of her.” Nagisa informed him.

“Who are you? Why is a human with them?” He gestured. By the way he hesitated, Nagisa was sure he had been about to call his family monsters.

“It’s a long story. Where did you come from?” He asked while cleaning the dirt away from the gash.

“The tunnels. There are old mine tunnels that lead back to my lab.” The man said. He was watching Nagisa. The boy nodded.

“Almost done.” He offered.

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