Coming together

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The door slammed open. Fenn didn’t slow as he barreled into the room. The two full vampires met him, one stopping the runaway horse, while the other caught his middle child. Hari ran from the window. The song dying on her lips as she shoved her father out of the way. Xavier had come home.

“Is the kid...” He huffed while hugging tight to his sister.

“He is completely worn out.” Krystal sighed softly as she ran her fingers through the pink and blue hair.

“He used everything he had out there.” Marcus beamed.

“Which was stupid!” Mori huffed. He was leaning against the wall, Wryvern’s head in his lap.

“If he had been alone...” The half dragon began.

“He wouldn't have done what he did.” Marcus smiled softly down at his brother.

“He only went so far because he knew you all were out there with him.” He added.

“Now that you are all back together, how about giving the wounded family blood?” Aradia broke into the battle talk.

“I’m good.” Xavier and Mori said together.

Marcus chuckled. He moved toward Nagisa. He was stopped short. Everyone stared at the man who knelt beside his son’s head. Reginald lifted the pale face up to place the lips against the wound on his arm. Even in his exhausted state, Nagisa was a half vampire. His taloned hands caught the wrist of his sire. His fangs sank deep into the wound. Reginald barely flinched as he held his son's head up. Nagisa was weak. He could barely suck the blood to sustain him. Reginald tipped the boy’s head back so the blood would more freely fall down his throat.

“Lucifer could use help.” He spoke softly to shake the paralysis from his eldest son’s limbs.

“Right!” Marcu moved to his brother’s side. His eyes still on Nagisa. If the boy knew... Marcus smirked.

“We won’t tell him.” Reginald looked up to where Marcus was giving his brother his blood.

“As we don’t talk about Marcus killing Mori’s mother?” Aradia asked, eyebrow arched.

“What?” The shout was like a shot through the room. Faraday thundered toward the witch. She didn’t get close enough to strike her. An invisible force stopped her momentum.

“You ruthles little...” She yelled at the woman.

“Now, now, none of that.” Aradia grinned.

“I wondered about that.” Ryu muttered.

“My mother isn’t dead.” Mori spoke with his eyes closed.

“What do you mean?” Ozzie asked, looking worridly at the boy.

“She’s right there, taking care of Nagisa.” He pointed toward the witch woman seated next to her son’s head.

“Only mother I have ever needed.” Mori added.

“Ah, Mori!” Krystal twisted around to hug the vampire. He huffed.

“I’m only letting you do this because I’m tired!” He complained. Yet those closest to him saw him raise his arm to curl lightly around the witch’s side.

“Then, you knew?” Marcu whispered.

“I figured it out when I met Wryvern. He explained more about the dragons to me.” Mori offered.

Krystal backed away to brush at Mori’s hair. The silver hair was stuck to his forehead from the heat of the fight. Yet as she brushed her hand through it, it came away red.

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