First kill

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Exams started three days later. With all the orders he had left to do, the study group he was forced to conduct, not to mention all his other classes, homework, and studying, Nagisa had little time for anything else. He was tiredly trudging back to the vampire dorm one night when a noise started him to alertness. He jerked his head up.

“Relax, just me!” Ryu stepped from the picnic table where they had eaten with Nagisa’s family the morning after their lockdown. He gestured toward the spread of food set up there.

“Collin told me you haven’t been showing up for meals.” The dragon shifter stated.

“Did he tell you he had been bringing them to me?” Nagisa asked.

Ryu ran a hand through his dark locks. He smirked as he shook his head. Nagisa muttered something under his breath. As he took a step toward the table, a black shape fell from the tree. Nagisa darted up Ryu’s chest. He kicked off of the dragon, claws extended. The flapping cape nearly covered the attacker. The two forms met in the air. A glint of metal, a flash of bone, they separated, landing facing each other on the ground. Ryu huffed.

“Could you maybe allow him to eat first?” he asked the dark cloaked figure.

“Why would they?” a voice spoke behind the dragon shifter. Ryu turned to see his own brother stepping off of the sidewalk. He glared at him.

“You are looking well.” He commented.

They two dragon shifters heard the clash of bodies behind them. One rolled out, sprang up into the tree before the other followed. Ryu just watched unsurprised at this. Mori loved keeping Nagisa on his toes.

“I just wanted a quiet date with him. Please bring him back!” the dragon called out.

Wyvern snickered. He looked over to his brother. “What will you be doing over break? Training?” he asked.

“Um, well, Nagisa invited me to Castle Bloody Moon.” Ryu offered.

“Sanguis Lunae means blood of the moon!” Wyvern chuckled.

“Yeah, that.” Ryu shuffled his feet, not looking at his brother.

“Mori has invited me as well. I have invited dad.” He said. Ryu folded his arms around his chest, hugging himself.

“Come on.” Wyvern rested a hand on his brother’s arm. They heard the unmistakable sound of cloth ripping.

“He will see you again.” Wyvern whispered. A loud thump was heard. Ryu turned.

Mori was lying on their backs, looking up. Nagisa’s knee hit the solar plexus of the prone vampire. Mori let out an oaf. The siblings sprang apart. Mori rolled toward Wyvern. Nagisa was near the sidewalk. Suddenly, another shadow appeared. Before Ryu could warn the vampire, Mori was already moving.

The half dragon shifter knocked their brother aside. This set him at an awkward angle for the beast bearing down on them. Mori braced himself to take the hit. It never came. Instead, a giant red scaled fist smashed in the object, zeroing in on the vampire. Mori rolled over, protecting Nagisa as they looked back.

Ryu stood in his red and black dragon form. The large head swung sideways to smash against the rogue who wasn’t giving up. Nagisa gasped at the golden white dragon, so much smaller than the red. It hovered behind the red, yet before the vampires.

“Do you have a weapon?” Mori asked.

“Marcus’ blade.” Nagisa answered.

“Stop calling it that.” Mori looked back at him.

“You will never truly own it until you claim it. It’s yours, Nagisa!” They called.

The vampire sprang into the air.  Their skeletal dragon shape forming. The rogue cried out a piercing scream that filled the air. They all knew that everyone on campus heard it. This was confirmed a moment later when the alarms sounded.

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