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The instructor's back was to the section Ryu walked up. Collin moved to stand where the shifter had been a moment before. The crowd grew silent for a moment, then a soft chant began of Ryu's name.

"Ever see him fight?" Coldar asked. Nagisa shook his head.

"I watched some YouTube videos on the gladiator fights. Man, they are brutal. He is the best, though." Collin whispered. Nagisa's hands curled into the leather of the jacket around his shoulders. He felt the dragon's heat seep into his own skin. He couldn't take his eyes from the muscled back. Ryu had only a black tank top on under the jacket.

The instructor turned. Ryu shifted. Nagisa gasped. "He's trying to stay in his blind spot." He shook his blue and pink head. "That's not going to work well for someone his size." Nagisa commented.

"Looks like we have a contender." Colonel McAndrews called out. There was loud applause.

"Give me your name." He commanded.

"Ryu Queensire." Ryu stated in a tone that sent chills along Nagisa's spine. There was no warmth in it. No joking tenderness that the half vampire had come to associate with the dragon. Ryu sounded cold, indifferent. He was a different person up there.

"Queensire. The heart!" Colonel tossed his head back, roaring out a laugh. "We have the famous dragon shifter gladiator champion here in our mists." Ryu snorted. He hadn't taken his eyes from the man. He moved only when the instructor moved.

"I've seen you fight, boy." The man said.

"Good." Ryu answered still in that detached way. "So, I just have to put you on the mat, that's all?" he confirmed.

"Yes. Flat on my back, boy." McAndrews answered.

"Alright." Ryu slipped one foot back. Nagisa noted it was his right one. The same side covering the eye patch.

"Oh, I get it. He is right-handed." The vampire muttered to himself.

"Not exactly." A voice said behind him. Nagisa didn't turn to see who had moved up closer to them. It seemed the entire class was moving closer to Ryu.

"He can fight with both?" Nagisa asked the voice.

"Equally as strong, too." The voice answered. Nagisa just nodded. Never let them see your strength or your weakness. Mori drilled that into him time and time again.

Ryu shifted back. McAndrews stomped hard on the floor, trying to startle the teen. Ryu was obviously well trained in this. He didn't even flinch. An evil grin slowly spread over the teen vampire's face as he watched his friend. He knew the bit about them calling him the heart due to him wearing it on his sleeve was wrong. This Ryu, the fighter, he was all in it.

McAndrews tried to fake out the teen once more. He shifted to his blind side. He got a knee to the gut for his troubles as Ryu danced away.

"Well, well, someone taught you good." McAndrews was seeing this wasn't going to be an easy take down of the teen. Ryu wasn't talking. His eyes danced over the other fighter. McAndrews swung into motion. He dove for Ryu's open gut. Had this been the dragon's plan? Ryu smashed his elbow into the man's back. The crowd could hear his grunt.

Nagisa saw the danger. McAndrews was pushing Ryu to the edge of the ring. If he fell down the stairs... The cry of surprise escaped the vampire when he saw the dragon shifter fly! Ryu jumped up over the head and shoulders of the man he was wrestling with. He had looped his arms around the thick, muscled waist. He pulled the man around with him.

Bent in a bridge, Ryu had his shoulder pinned to the mat. McAndrews kicked him in the stomach twice, but Ryu held the pose. He was strong. Nagisa bit at his lip as he watched. The instructor did something the vampire couldn't see. Ryu rolled away, allowing his prey to escape. He was kneeling on one knee holding his arm. A trickle of blood was running down it. Nagisa was pissed.

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