Classes begin

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The next day dawned brightly. Some leaves had begun to fall from the trees. Nagisa dressed in a more subdued outfit. The black skinny jeans hugged his legs. He put a tee shirt on under an oversized sweater. The sweater hung below his butt. His hair was brushed back. He didn't do anything special to it. He looked in the mirror.

To him, he looked like an in-between. He was in between feminine and masculine. He was in between humans and vampires. His ears were slightly more pointed than humans. His cheeks, more plump than a vampire's, his eyes not nearly as bright. His skin held some color, unlike full vampires. He brushed at his thin frame. Many vampires were tall and thin. They looked sleek yet breathtaking that way. Nagisa saw himself as looking too small, too delicate. Maybe his siblings saw that as well.

"Oh my god, can I barrow this?" He turned from the mirror to see Akara holding up the red sweater he had disregarded for today. He opted instead for a soft green one.

"Yeah, sure." He chuckled. It was so big it fit her frame like a dress. She put leggings on under it. Tucking her phone away in one of the many hidden pockets.

"What I love about your clothing is all the pockets." She giggled, swinging her book bag to the opposite shoulder as she linked her arm through his.

"They were meant for weapons." He admitted. She laughed about to say something when another voice broke in.

"Damn, who died?" Collin wrinkled his nose, looking over Nagisa's outfit. "I haven't seen you this uncolorful since... I don't know... birth?" he complained.

"I was trying to blend in for the first day." Nagisa whined.

"Care to try again?" Collin shook his head. They reached the top of the stairs. Walking down the three sat to eat a quick breakfast.

"Coldar is going to meet us outside." Collin stated. The vampire wore a red button-up shirt under a black leather jacket with skinny black jeans and converse. His auburn hair was brushed back, revealing his pointed ears and wide forehead. Somehow, he looked cool this way. Nagisa hated him for his obvious vampire good looks.

Outside twenty minutes later, they saw Coldar. The blond werewolf wore a green long sleeved tee shirt with a black vest Nagisa had made him over it. He wore blue jeans that fanned out over the boots on his feet.

"Why does everyone look better dressed than me?" he whined. Coldar flashed him a look. His cheeks were reddened from the wind. Nagisa assumed he had ran over to meet them.

"You look sort of dull." Coldar stated.

"Yeah, I was trying to blend in!" Nagisa complained.

"It doesn't suit you, love." Coldar picked an imaginary fuzz from the boy's shoulder. He got slapped by him. Chuckling, they walked off to their first class.

"Whose idea was it for us to have history of the races first?" Collin bemoaned.

"It was because you wanted botany!" Coldar hissed.

"Teacher is Mr. Wyatt Sloane, a fey." Collin read from their program.

"GOOD MORNING STUDENTS!!!" the loud shrill voice called out.

"Aren't fey usually quiet?" Coldar snorted. The man came rushing into class. He kicked his shoes off, leaping to his desk a cheery smile on his face as he read off the names of everyone.

"Ah, Romanari? Nagisa. Where are you?" his hazel eyes searched out the class. Nagisa waved his slim fingers.

"Ah yes." Mr. Sloane's eyes danced at seeing him. "What are you?" he demanded.

"Rude." A voice hissed from the other side of the room.

"Ah, yes, yes, that was. My apologies, Mr. Romanari." He bowed. "Reginald Romanari is a man of exuberant tastes. His children range from full vampire to werewolf and fey!" the teacher beamed. "I could do a whole lesson plan just on them." His eyes danced.

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