Day one

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Nagisa moved as if he were a robot on auto pilot. His father never left his side, keeping one hand firmly on the boys' thin shoulders, he made sure he was under control. Everywhere they went, the reporters followed. The chatter of all the Romanari's being together in one place was getting out of hand. Cameras flashed non-stop. Reginald only spoke to his older children to get them to line up before the statue of the first founders of the school. A witch alongside her vampire husband, who just so happened to be a Romanari.

"Look at them all!" someone squealed.

Nagisa squirmed. He hated how his father was acting. Usually, during family weekend, he was allowed to do what he wanted as long as he was at the functions his father deemed important. As he stood stiffly beside the man, he thought over the other weekends he had spent here. Mostly, he took off as soon as he greeted whichever sibling was enrolled. He would find Coldar so they could start their adventures. Now, he was pinned to his father's side.

He sighed, trying not to look as pissed as he felt. He stood for the photos. Then Reginald spoke as they began to walk to the outside pavilion where snacks were laid out for those who hadn't eaten yet. There would be a luncheon in the main hall, followed by presentations from the top students of each class.

"I hope your speech is a good one." Reginald looked down at his son. Nagisa flinched under that gaze.

"It will do. I am presenting with Collin anyway." He stated. Reginald frowned.

"No, not that. Your speech for the founders banquet." He glared his red eyes flashing at the startled look on his sons face.

"Every year, whichever Romanari is enrolled in this school gives a speech. You happen to be the one who is here for the three hundredth celebration." He pressed. Nagisa eyed him.

"You want me to talk alone?" he asked in a robotic way. He almost lost his composure when he saw the fire alight in those ruby eyes.

"Nagisa!" If Reginald was even part dragon, the young teen watching him was sure he would be breathing fire right now. He laughed.

"Relax, old man!" He patted his father's shoulder.

"I have a speech ready. I'm not incompetent." He snorted.

Nagisa watched as Reginald straightened his jacket. It was his way of showing his irritation at the teen. The man turned away to face the hall they would be going into soon enough.

"You have always been a challenge to me, Nagisa." He stated.

"Someone has to keep you on your toes." The boy smirked. Reginald glared down at him.

"Oh man, if he looked at me like that, I think I would piss myself!" Collin hissed as he walked beside Carter.

"Nagisa has the old man's number. Always had." Carter shook his blond head.

"Never understood where the kid got his balls from!" he chuckled.

"Carter, uh, hi." Coldar looked at the boy.

Carter blinked before glancing away. "Coldar? Right?" he asked. The werewolf nodded.

"How are you? Your family?" the vampire asked in a clipped tone.

"As good as can be, I suppose." Coldar said. The vampire nodded. His eyes casting about.

"Oh, I see a teacher. I must say hello to." He dashed away.

"He can't even look at me." Coldar shook his head.

Collin came up beside his friend. He slipped one arm around his waist as he pressed his thin pale hand against the thick muscled chest. He squeezed the boys' pecs until he cried out in a laughing tone.

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