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Nagisa swore.  He jerked his head back.  He glared at the material before him. The sweater he was sewing looked like a kindergartener had done the seam. What was wrong with him? He kicked at the machine he was using. Fine, he would finish this by hand. He needed to give it to the girl the next day as promised.

He  opened his sewing drawer. Pulling out the seam ripper, he tore out what he had just finished. The material ripped. He swore again. This was ludicrous! He had been doing stuff like this since he was a baby, why couldn’t he… His eyes fell on the bolt of material he had wrapped around the missing f. He sighed.

Reaching under his shirt, he pulled out the dragon scale. It was warm, which was odd since he was a vampire. Even born vamps tended to be cooler than humans. Although Nagisa was part human, his body temp had always been more on the vampieric side. He kissed the scale, sending out a pleading prayer that he could get this garment finished. He carefully, slowly, pulled the stitching out.

Akara walked in as Nagisa was bent over the fabric. He was using a needle and thread to sew the seam. His tongue stuck out as he worked, when he wasn’t muttering swear words to himself. Akara giggled at the sight. Nagisa raised his eyes. He glared at her, holding up his damaged hand. Blood beaded on the tips of several fingers. Akara gasped, rushing to take hold of his hand.

“Nagisa, what’s going on?” she cried.

“I can’t sew. Nothing works. The seam is all over the place, I tore the fabric, look how jagged this is. It’s horrible!” He cried. She took the garment away.

“The curse?” She asked. He covered his face with his hands. She had seen the blood tears.

“I have to get this done tonight! Plus, the other orders I have! They are all due before family weekend!” he cried. She sank down to her own desk chair.

“If you can help me study so I get decent grades in combat and medical arts, then, well, I don’t like to, but I can sew.”  She told him. He raised his tear stained face. It looked gory covered in red bloody streaks. One thing Akara had learned was that when a born vamp cried blood, they were truly distraught. She brushed his hair back off of his forehead.

“Go clean yourself up. I got this.” She told him. He stood hugging her head to his chest.

“Thank you.” He said, dropping a kiss on her part line. She chuckled as he walked out.

“WHAT THE HELL HAPLENED TO YOU?” A booming voice cried. Nagisa flinched as he looked up to Ryu. Collin stood beside the dragons shifter.

“Damn, I haven’t seen you this upset in years!” Collin muttered.

“It’s the curse.” Nagisa pouted. “I don’t think your scale is working for me.” He whispered, turning to walk to the bathroom. Ryu went into the bed room, with Collin close behind. When Nagisa returned, they all looked up to the teen.

 “OK, I bet it is working.” Collin stated. “If it wasn’t you would be like falling downstairs or getting broken bones like Xavier!” he pointed out. Nagisa held up his hand. The pin pricks from the needle were still slightly visible.

“That’s nothing compared to Ozzie getting that concussion, or Hari ending up in a comma for two days.” He pointed out.

“Don’t forget the trap Carter fell into. He nearly starved to death before Cami and Marcus found him!” Nagisa muttered.

“Right, so, don’t take that off!” Collin insisted.

Over the next week, other things came up. Nagisa was clumsy on his feet, often falling into people. He would lose homework assignments that he pulled out right in class to turn in. His clothes would get mysterious rips in them or stains that shouldn’t have happened. One time, he was smacked in the head during a fight some fey were having. He woke up in the nurses office. That had been the worst.

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