A day in the life...

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Ryu looked down at the pink hair poking out over the top of the blanket. It was all he could see of his bed mate. Nagisa was a tiny burrito in his bed. He chuckled at the thought. Carefully slipping out of bed, he tried not to wake the small teen. He slipped into his clothing, closing the door behind him.

“Baby boy blue still sleeping?” a voice asked as Ryu heard another door click closed. He turned to see Fenn carrying his shoes.

“Yeah.” He muttered. “What are you doing here?” he asked. Fen chuckled.

“More like who.” He teased. “Where are you heading without the cursed child?” he nodded toward the other's bedroom door.

“Nagisa used to bring me breakfast in bed. I thought I would return the favor.” Ryu muttered.

“So, you’re leaving him alone with the curse?” Fenn shook his head. “That’s ballsy.” He added.

“We are surrounded by dragons!” Ryu snorted. “Besides he is wearing my scale.”

“About that…” Fenn eyed the taller male from the side of his eye.

“Leave it alone.” He growled.

“It sucks” Fenn muttered. “Those Romanari’s are hot little corpses.” He smirked.

“Didn’t he answer that?” Ryu asked as they reached the end of the hall. Fenn took a step toward the front door while Ryu turned toward the kitchens.

“You think I haven’t slept with vampires before?” the centaur asked. “They may be amazingly hot, in looks, but those Romanari genes are another level!” he grinned, shaking his head. “Don’t worry, I won’t go after the kid.” Fenn waved his goodbye.

“But you may want to stake your intentions with him, or you might mess it up if someone else gets there first.” He called closing the front door. Ryu frowned. He walked to the kitchens.

The cook was already there. He pulled steaming bread from the oven. “Breakfast isn’t ready.” He grouched around the tooth pick in his mouth.

“Yeah, I know.” Ryu explained about wanting to surprise his “friend” The man winked, thinking the dragon shifter had a lady in his room. He made crude jokes but put together a nice little tray for them. Ryu swallowed his retorts for the food. He carried the tray back to his room.

Closing the door with his hip, he glanced at the bed. He was shocked at how little space the vampire took up. Ryu set the tray down on his desk. He reached out to tug on the blanket, and it didn’t move. He chuckled. Pulling harder. A faint grunt was his response.

“Come on, wake up!” Ryu sang. Nagisa groaned.

“Its Saturday. If you don’t let me sleep, I am going to punch you!” he warned.

“I have food.” Ryu stated. The blanket slipped down, one red and black eye peeked out.

“Where?” Nagisa’s voice came out muffled by the blanket.

“You have to sit up first.” Ryu insisted. With a sigh, making exaggerated noises, Nagisa pulled himself to a sitting position. He flopped his hands down on either side of the blanket that was still tucked around his legs. Ryu shook his head.

“You’re lucky you’re cute as hell.” He snickered, reaching for the tray.

“Why do you say stuff like that?” Nagisa asked. Ryu placed the tray over his legs.


“That I’m cute?” Nagisa asked.

“Well, you are.” Ryu shrugged, pulling open the containers.

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