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The tables were slowly filling. The large teen walked beside the vampire brothers. He glanced back. Ever since the cute one brandished the knife, his fan club had been keeping back. Ryu smirked at this. He put his hand in his pockets. They itched to touch the fluffy blue/pink hair. He smiled as the teen glared at his werewolf brother.

Ryu thought back to earlier that day. He had been trying to evade his fan club, as the teen beside him had called it. None of them cared to be near the center of the school with so much going on, so that's where Ryu had set up. He leaned against the low stone wall that surrounded the front walk of the school, a book in hand, he didn't pay too much attention to things around him.

That was until the bus pulled to a stop. He heard the loud clattering of luggage. Glancing up, he saw a panicked kid dash off of the bus. Their small frame indicated a more feminine stature. The pink hair eluded to this as well. Ryu watched as they managed to run with all that luggage. It was pretty impressive. speaking of the person's true strength. He put the book away.

Standing, he moved to walk up to the person. They had stopped near the flag pole. The outfit they were wearing was unique. It looked pretty cool. Ryu ran his golden eyes over the slim form.

"Nice outfit, love the hair." He said with a grin. The person turned. Instantly, Ryu saw his first mistake. This wasn't a female. His grin widened as those odd two toned eyes narrowed at him, his heart fluttered in his chest. The boy huffed out a breath as he tried to look intimidating. To Ryu, he just looked...

"Cute." Ryu never realized he had spoken the word out loud. Then the boy spoke.

"Fuck off you fire-breathing twat." He hissed. Ryu wanted to laugh. He was so not threatening. Such a small little thing. The dragon shifter was about to say more when the teens friend showed up. Ryu had gotten his name. Nagisa Romanari. Noting it, he walked away as the other led the small teen away.

Ryu headed into the woods. On the other side was the dragon dorms. As he walked thinking about the new kid he met, he once more forgot about the idiots that trailed after him. They found him as soon as he stepped from the cool shade of the trees. His own glare was far more powerful than the small kids had been. Yet these fools weren't threatened by it. Most were dragon shifters as well.

Ryu dashed away. Rushing across the open space before the dorms were other kids were being dropped off. He was able to get to the other side. Only a few of his fans made it this far. Ryu was quick on his feet. In the trees, he was even faster. Climbing up, he dashed from one branch to the next.

Although he was large, out here he could move like the wind, leaving no mark of his passage. The few who managed to get into the wooded area, lost him quickly. Ryu made his way to his favorite spot. He dropped down in a broken easy chair.

"Romanari." He muttered the name. It sounded familiar. He got up. Walking down into the main library he strolled around. He found the historical section. There it was, the history of vampires. One of the many tombs of record was dedicated to the name Romanari. Ryu picked it up. He went back to his hiding place.

Flipping through the book. He read snippets of passages. He reached near the end. Reginald Romanari was the first born son of Lord Ellington Romanari. They prided themselves on being a pure family. Never once had any of them turned a human, which really was a feat for vampires. Ryu thought. But as he read on, it appeared that Reginald had a thing for women. He married his high school girlfriend. They had two kids before she mysteriously died. After that, the young heir never wedded again. That didn't mean he didn't have more kids. Apparently he had a hard time keeping it in his pants.

"Half dragon, seriously?" Ryu muttered reading the list of children this guy had. He knew the boy he met wasn't part dragon. He was far too small. Also, he didn't smell like a dragon. Yet this book ended with the birth of the half dragon shifter, Mori Romanari. Ryu closed it as he leaned back in the chair. He would need to investigate further.

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