Morning moonlight

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Nagisa managed to get everything on one tray. He had pulled his hair back in a bun to keep it out of his face while he cooked. He left it like that as he walked towards the dragon dorms. The sun was just lighting the sky. He took in the beautiful rosy early morning glow, a smile on his lips. He knew, being half vampire, he shouldn’t enjoy the morning so much. For Nagisa, there was no better time of the day.

As a child, he never slept a regular schedule. No matter how hard his mother tried. Nagisa slept when he was tired, and nothing no one could do would change that. So, a lot of the time, he was awake to watch the sun come up. His mother would often be awake at these times. Not for him, but she had started her own business when Nagisa was three. She would get up early just to start her day. For him, mornings meant time to spend with his mother alone.

“Are you awake now, mom?” he asked the empty sidewalks. “Are you watching the same sunrise?” he wondered. He lowered his head before the tears came. The feeling of wanting to be home had never been so strong within him. He didn’t have any free hands to wipe at his face. Instead, he hurried on to the dorm.

The dragons dorms were set in a clearing in the woods. Now, most of the doors numbered their rooms starting at the first level. Which should be the level you walked in at. That would be the 100’s. Then the second floor would be 200’s and so on. Not the dragon dorms.

They had several subbasements. At least one was the 100's. Therefore, the front door opened onto the 200 floor numbers. Nagisa was grateful for this. His arms were beginning to hurt. He glanced at the plaque near the door. It pointed out where the rooms were.

200-218 was off to his right. 220-240 was straight ahead. 241-260 was to his left.  He glared at the stupid sign. Had the idiot given him the wrong number? He wondered. Judging from the sign, it looked like each wing had about twenty rooms. Nagisa decided to go right.

He walked to the end of the open spaced foyer. There was a long hall out before him. The stairs leading up to the higher floors were on his left. He turned to peek into the darkness behind it. Sure enough that’s what he expected. 219 was tucked in behind the massive staircase. Nagisa sighed. What egotistical ass did you have to be to get a room like that? He wondered. He turned that way.

The door was open a crack as the front door had been. Nagisa frowned. Was Ryu already awake? He pushed the door with the toe of his sneaker. It swung inward on silent hinges. Nagisa blinked so his vampire eyes could show him just what he was walking into. He was a bit shocked.

The room was immaculate! Nothing was on the floor. The top of the dresser and desk were neatly set up. The wardrobe  was closed perfectly. No garments hung out of the dresser drawers. Was he some kind of not boy? Nagisa had several brothers, and to a one, none had rooms this clean. It’s only the first day. He told himself. But that may not be true. Students could have arrived as early as last week. He walked into the room. Laying the tray on the desk, he kept the coat in his hands. He turned.

A pale white moon shined at him from the bed. The sunlight seemed to be a spotlight for the firm hardness. Nagisa smirked. Ryu slept naked, so be it. He walked to the bed as silently as any vampire could. Ryu laid mostly on his stomach. His strong back was curved upwards. His arms were tucked under a grey covered pillow. His face was turned away from the boy eyeing him.

Nagisa let his eyes wonder over the specimen before him. He had to admit the dragon had a nice body. It filled the bed. In fact, one foot hung over the end while Ryu’s head was as close to the headboard as it could get. The small teen smirked at this. He was huge!  Ryu’s legs formed a number 4. His ass was tilted toward the door. Nagisa swallowed. It was so nice to look at. He noticed the blankets were bunched up around his mid section. Too hot for you, dragon boy? Nagisa wondered.

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