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Every night this week, the school was having bon fires. They saw this as a way for the students to get to know each other before classes began. Teachers were also present. Many of the students could meet and talk with them as well. Nagisa walked between Collin and Coldar after spending an exorbitant amount of time getting them dressed appropriately.

"I don't know if I like this." Collin stated, tugging on the short shirt he wore. Nagisa slapped at his hands.

"Leave it, it looks great!" He cried.

"Bitch in a crop top!" Ozzie sang out at seeing his cousin. The bitch flipped him off. Nagisa sighed.

"None of you have any class." He complained. Collin wore a black mesh crop top with silver lining that enhanced his slender build. His legs were clothed in tight dark fake dragon hide. Nagisa hadn't been able to get his hands on the real stuff. He was hoping, now that he was in school, he could find someone to hook him up. Collin had boots that reached up to about mid calf, great for hiding a few daggers in.

Coldar on the other hand, had a darker complexation then the vampire. Nagisa had dressed him in more earthen tones. A grey top that was cut low in the neck to reveal his curly chest hair. It was also tight around his biceps to show of his more muscled physique. Brown leggings hugged his hips and toned ass. Nagisa had slapped his butt to say every gay guy in school would be after him.

"I'm not gay." Coldar insisted. Nagisa and Collin exchanged looks. They snickered.

"I'm not!" Coldar insisted.

"If that were remotely true why do you always hit on us?" Collin asked leaning his arm on the blue side of Nagisa's head.

"Ever hear of a joke?" Coldar insisted.

Nagisa wore red boots that had a three inch platform bottom on them. They came up to his mid thigh. His black shorts barely held in his well-rounded ass. The buttons on the side weren't just for decoration. Nagisa designed them to hold weapons. He had several attached to them, yet his friends didn't see how he could hide anything in those pants.

His white shirt was a bit loose around the neck. It kept sliding off of one shoulder or the other. There was about an inch of space where it ended, and his shorts began. He wore a red choker with lips and fangs on it. He had thought they were cute since he was a vampire. Around his ear, he had placed a dragon earring. It went in his piercing and wrapped around the back of his ear to have the head poke out above his ear.

"Trying to entice someone?" Ozzie asked, flicking it. "I wonder where boyfriend is?" He smirked.

"Stop calling him my boyfriend!" Nagisa hissed.

"Wait, you already have a boyfriend? How did that happen since lunch?" The man in question appeared. Nagisa groaned at seeing the tall dragon shifter join them.

"Damn, where do you get your clothes?" Ryu asked.

"I make them." Nagisa stated he didn't like how his cheeks warmed up under that intense look.

"Really?" Ryu moved closer to Collin. He poked at the pants. "You know that's fake, right?" he asked the teen.

"Did you?" Collin asked Nagisa.

"Wait, you made his outfit too?" Ryu looked even more impressed.

"He made mine as well." Coldar pulled his top down a bit.

"Yeah, that's not something to brag about. You look thirsty." Val appeared at the dragon shifter side.

"Ryu, come on. They are going to start the karaoke." Her red painted nails dug into the bare arm.

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