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Nagisa glanced in the mirror. He tugged on the purple fading to pink half shirt. He smiled. It came to just above his waist, which was against school rules, so he had a blue button up on under it. His black skirt held the shirt tucked in. He had about an inch of the lacy stocking showing above the skirt. His legs were clad in soft, warm, pink leggings. He pulled out two pairs of boots.

"Which would be better?" He asked Akara. "White with heels or black with platform?" He glanced up as she turned from fixing her hair.

"Um, well, you have black on already. Go with the white." She smirked. He nodded, pushing the black ones back under his bed. He placed a set of training clothes for combat training in his bag. He added his book his father had sent him, as well as a notebook. He stood up, the vinyl on the boots squeaking.

"You are my idol. Look at you!" Akara cried. He chuckled.

"Yeah, the only reason I agreed to come to this school was because it didn't have a standard uniform." He grinned.

"Well, it does, but only when we are hosting other schools or special events. United front of fucked up teens!" She giggled walking out the door.

"Whose fucking the teens?" Collin cried catching up to them. "Damn you should have a tie or something dangling here." He said running a hand down his cousins chest.

"I think you just like playing with my chest." Nagisa muttered.

"No. I like playing with Coldar's though. He has muscles." Collin grinned. Nagisa kicked him in the butt.

"Don't make me push you over the railing!" Colin cried.

"Don't mess up my hair!" Nagisa punched him. The two were still goofing off as they came outside. Nagisa stopped when he saw the mismatched pair waiting for them. Ryu's large size easily dwarfed the werewolf. Coldar was looking up at the dragon shifter. It was obvious they were in a discussion.

"Yeah, with Marcus. Back then, they came in a lot." Coldar was saying.

"I don't think I've met Marcus yet. It's odd how his family keeps showing up." Ryu commented.

"Nah. The Romanari's pretty much built this school. They come and go as they please. I couldn't tell you the number of times Nagisa ran away to come stay here with me over the years." Coldar said.

"Was it because of his father?" Ryu asked.

"Sometimes. Sometimes, it was Mori or Ozzie. Lucifer can be judgmental, too." Nagisa announced his approach. Collin turned to Coldar.

"Don't you think his outfit needs a tie or something dangling here?" He brushed his hand over Nagisa's chest once more. Coldar slapped his hand away.

"How dare you? I thought you only did that to me!" he cried, looking hurt and angry. Collin wrapped his arm around him, pulling the slightly shorter boy against his chest.

"I'm sorry. Touching Nagisa is nothing like you!" he purred. Coldar smiled. He kissed the other's chin.

"You're forgiven. Just don't let me see that again!" he warned. Nagisa shook his head.

"What about a necklace?" Ryu asked. He pulled his hand from his pocket. Opening the large fingers, a sliver chain hung from his hand. On the bottom of it swayed a blood red dragon scale. The very tip was almost black. It was about the size of a fifty cent piece. Nagisa smiled, reaching out for it.

"It beautiful. This is your dragon color?" he asked, looking up at Ryu. The male shrugged a slight coloring to his face. He stepped behind the smaller boy to drop the necklace over Nagisa's head.

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