Love or consequences

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They didn't look at each other. Neither one spoke. Nagisa sat plucking at the grass while Ryu stroked the soft petals of the flower. It was as if he were seeing something far different than the flower within his hands.

"Theron, he uh, he told me about the fight. You're going to defend your title." Nagisa muttered. His voice was barely above a whisper.

"Yeah." Ryu hissed even lower.

"What the hell are you thinking?" Nagisa growled. Ryu didn't look at him. Nagisa stood up, somewhat pissed that he could stand upright, where it was obvious the dragon wouldn't be able to.

"Xavier says you plan on letting them kill you! What about your father? Wyvern?" he demanded. Ryu set the flower aside in a safe spot.

"My father hasn't been able to look as me since my mother became ill." Ryu muttered. He had yet to lift his head to look at the smaller boy.

"What?" Nagisa sank back to the ground.

He crossed his legs in front of him. Ryu swiped at his face, one hand still touching the petals of the flower. Nagisa watched as the broad, thick shoulder shook. He bit his lip. His friend was in pain, may have been all this time, yet he had ignored it. Nagisa was used to the members of his family to 'just suck it up.' He couldn't count the number of times one of his siblings told him as much when he got hurt.

"Ryu." Nagisa reached a hand out to touch the others' knee.

A large fist swatted it away. Ryu crawled the length of the dome away from him. He curled up against the thick vines, resting his head upon a section near the top of the dome. He said nothing to Nagisa. The vampire switched to his night vision, but even with that, he couldn't tell if the large dragon shifter was still crying.

Nagisa clutched his fists against his knees. It had been almost two weeks since Ryu kissed him. In all honesty, he had tried not to think about it. He wanted his friend back, but he never thought of the reasons why. Ryu had no reason to think Nagisa even cared for him.

The young vampire had fought with him every chance he got. He belittled the larger man, basically telling him his race meant nothing to the vampire. Why had Ryu even begun to like him? Nagisa couldn't fathom a reason. He didn't understand any of this. He drew in a breath, opened his mouth, but closed it again. What was he going to say? What words could make the dragon shifter understand how he felt?

"Why did you come?" Nagisa muttered.

"For the flower." Ryu answered in a quiet tone.

"No!" The vampire shook his head. He remained where the dragon shifter left him.

Changing position, Nagisa pulled his knees up to his chest. "Not tonight. Why did you come to the castle?" he demanded.

Ryu shifted. Nagisa heard the crinkle of the vines as his weight pushed against them. He sat up straighter. His back was pressed into the soft greenery. He plucked absent mindedly at the grass near his knee. For a long time, he didn't speak. Nagisa held his body tightly together. It was as if he were using it as a shield against what the dragon was going to say.

"Because I figured you needed someone." He muttered at last.

"That's not it. Try again." Nagisa demanded stubbornly.

Ryu lifted his head. He gazed at a spot just to the left of the tiny vampire. Drawing in a breath, he let it out.

"Collin came up to me when he came back in at the dance. Told me you weren't feeling well. I waited about half an hour before going to check on you. Of course, the idiot vampires wouldn't let me in. I tried to plead with them to just see if you made it back, ok?" He shook his head.

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